Associated with anxiety, nasal abnormalities, heritable, and
Nightterror abrupt awakening from deep sleep in a state of agitation
Sleep talking talking while asleep
Nightmare , a bad dream sometimes brought on by staying up late, eat heavy meals close to bed time and
,over excitement
Enuresis - repeated urination
By age of 6 the brain attained about 90% of its peak
Childs grows rapidly at ages 3 to 6 they lose their babyish roundness and take on slender athletic appearance of childhood
In early childhood, pre operational of piagetian approach is introduced
Corpus callosum is a thick band of fibers that connects both hemispheres of the brain to communicate more effectively
Physical skills involves large muscles is grossmotor while small muscles and eye hand coordination is finemotorskill
Systemsofaction is increasingly complex combinations of motor skills
Poor motir coodination is associated with risk of obesity or overweight in children
Preference for using one hand over the other is handedness
At this stage of piagetian approach, children is not yet ready to engage in logical mental operations but expands symbolic is called PREOPERATIONAL
Useofsymbols, understandingofidentities, understandingofcauseandeffect, abilitytoclassify, understandingofnumber, empathy, theory of mind is the cognitive advances of early childhood clue: US, UI, UCE, AC, UN, E,TM
CIFTEAI is the immature aspects of pre operational thought
Piaget's term for ability to use mental representations is what we called symbolicfunction
Also called as imaginative, fantasy, dramatic play is called pretendplay
Transduction is Piaget's term for mentally link particular phenomena whether or not there is causal relationship
Decenter is thinking simultaneously about several aspects of situation
Inability to consider others pov is egocentrism
Conservation is the awareness that two objects are equal
Children's understanding that operations can go in two or more directions is irreversibility
Putting info into filed memory is encoding
Storage is the retention of info in memory for future use
Information is accessed or recalled from memory storage is retrieval
Initial, temporary storage of sensory information is sensory memory
Short term memory or also called as working memory is the short term storage of info being actively processed
Long-term memory is the permanent storage of info with unlimited capacity that can hold info for long
Recognition and recall is the two types of retrieval
Element of working memory taht controls process of info is called central executive
Metacognition is the awareness of ones own mental processes
Executivefunction is the conscious control of thought emotions and actions to accomplish goals or solve problems
Generic memory is memory that produces scripts of familiar routine taht guides behavior
Script is the remembered outline of familiar, repeated event
Long term memory of specific experiences or events related to time and place is episodic memory
If episodic occur many times it is transferred into generic memory
Memory of specific events in ones life or one that has special meaning to a child is autobiographical memory
Standford binet intelligence scale is used for ages 2 and up and take 45-60 minutes to finish used to measure fluid reasoning, knowledge,working memory etc
Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence revised is used for ages 2 to 4 and 4 to 7 that takes 30 to 60 minutes to finish measures verbal non verbal, vocabulary etc