Knowledge of fluid mechanics is essential because the majority of different processes and operations in the laboratory are conducted either partly or totally in the fluid phase
Fluids are more efficient and cost-effective to work with compared to solids
A substance that will deform continuously when subjected to a tangential or shear force
Newtonian fluids
Fluids that behave according to simple laws, such as water, oil, and air
Exhibit constant viscosity but virtually no elasticity
Non-Newtonian fluids
Fluids whose viscosity is not constant or which exhibit significant elasticity
Examples include polymeric materials, drilling mud, and toothpaste
States of matter
Characterized by relatively high densities and viscosities, with molecules close together, and volumes that tend to remain constant
Characterized by relatively low densities and viscosities, with molecules far apart, and will rapidly tend to fill the container in which they are placed
The transition from liquid to gas is a continuous and gradual process, not a single point
A force per unit area, including normal stress (perpendicular to the surface) and shear stress (tangential to the surface)
A scalar quantity that measures the degree of compression of a fluid, independent of the orientation of the surface
The rate of change of the position of a fluid particle with time, having both magnitude and direction
Volumetric flow rate, mass flow rate, and momentum flow rate
1. Volumetric flow rate (Q = uA)
2. Mass flow rate (m = ρQ = ρuA)
3. Momentum flow rate (Ṁ = mu = ρu²A)
Conservation laws
Conservation of mass, energy, and momentum
To solve a fluid mechanics problem, information is needed on the physical properties of the fluid and a constitutive equation relating stresses to the flow pattern
The Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Conservation of Momentum
Mass per unit volume, indicates inertia or resistance to an accelerating force
Resistance to flow under an applied shear stress
Surface tension
Tendency of the surface of a liquid to behave like a stretched elastic membrane
Physical properties depend primarily on the particular fluid
For liquids, viscosity depends strongly on temperature
For gases, viscosity is approximately proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature
The density of gases depends almost directly on the absolute pressure
For most other cases, the effect of pressure on physical properties can be disregarded
Typical processes often run almost isothermally, and in these cases the effect of temperature can be ignored
Except in certain special cases, we shall ignore any variation of physical properties with pressure and temperature
Density of liquids
Depends on the mass of an individual molecule and the number of such molecules that occupy a unit of volume
Degrees A.P.I. (AmericanPetroleumInstitute)
Related to specific gravity s, by the formula: ◦A.P.I. = 141.5/s - 131.5
For water, ◦A.P.I. = 10, with correspondingly higher values for liquids that are less dense
For the crude oil listed in Table 1.1, ◦A.P.I. = 35
Density of idealgases
Depends on the molecular weight, absolute pressure, and absolute temperature
Compressibility factor Z
Introduced for nonideal gases to account for deviation from ideal gas behaviour
Fractional decrease in volume caused by a unit increase in pressure
Coefficient of thermal expansion α
Isobaric (constant pressure) fractional increase in volume per unit rise in temperature
Specific gravity s
Ratio of the density ρ to the density ρSC of a reference fluid at some standard condition
For liquids, ρSC is usually the density of water at 4 ◦C, which equals 1.000 g/ml or 1,000 kg/m3
For natural gas, the gasgravity is defined as the ratio of the molecular weight of the gas to that of air (28.8 lbm/lb-mol)
Resistance to flow under an applied shear stress, measured by the proportionality constant μ between shear stress and velocity gradient
Kinematic viscosity ν
Ratio of the viscosity to the density, important when viscous and gravitational forces coexist
Viscosity of liquids
Varies approximately with absolute temperature T according to the formula: μ = a * exp(b/T)