Cards (14)

  • upper airway structures
    1. Nasal Cavity
    2. Pharynx ( nasophranyx,oropharnyx)
    3. Larynx (adams apple)
  • lower airway structures
    • Trachea - divides
    • Bronchioles- terminate
    • Alveoli - where the gas exchange happens
    1 sternum
    2 scapula
    2 clavicle
    12 pair of ribs
    12 thoracic vertebrae
  • Breathing Mechanics
    1. Mechanical Process
    2. Physiological Process
  • Mechanical Process - pulmonary ventilation
    • inhalation and exhalation
  • Physiological Process
    • external-alveoli
    • internal-cappilaries
    • cellular-cell
  • Respiration
    1. age:
    newborn - nose breathers
    after age 2 - more oblique intercostal
    aging - muscoskeletal changes

    2. pregnancy:
    increase by 20%
  • Anatomical Landmarks
    left lung : 2 lobes
    right lung : 3 lobes
    divided by : fissures
  • Front : extend 2cm (3/4 -1 ), sixth
    Side : eight rib at the maxillary
    Back : T1-T10-T12 (right is slightly higher)
  • Respiration Pattern
    1. Eupnea - normal
    2. Tachypnea - 24+ bpm
    3. Bradypnea - -10 bpm
    4. Hyperventilation - fear,anxiety,exercise
    5. Kussmaul - diabetic
    6. Hypoventilation - narcotics
    7. Cheyne-Strokes Respiration - deep,rapid eupnea
    8. Biot's Respiration - depth, apnea
    9. Ataxic - more severe than biot
    10. Air Trapping - trapped in lungs
  • Chest Type
    1. Barrel Chest - emphysema, asthma
    2. Pectus Excavatum - cave in (concave shape)
    3. Pectus Carinatum -breast bone
  • Fremitus - vibration of air
  • Vocal Fremitus
    1. Bronchophony - "99" "blue moon"
    2. Egophony - "e"
    3. Whispered Pectoriloquy - "one-two-three"
  • Auscultation
    1. Bronchial - exhale
    2. Bronchovesicular -inhale and exhale (continuous)
    3. Vesicular - prolonged inhalation and short and exhalation
    4. Tracheal - inhale or exhale