English literature paper 2

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  • Analysis
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  • this reinforces
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    • this reinforces
    • Analysis
    • Point
    • Clearpoint demonstrating an idea in response to the question. Must use words from the question.
    • The writers creates (insert name) as emblematic of (insert) to highlight....
    • Point (Insert character) is used didactically by (insert writers name) to reinforce.....
    • Point (Insert character) is used as a construct to explore
    • Point (Insert name) highlights the message of (insert message of writer) through....
    • Point Reword, what quote you've chosen and use word from question
    • Point (Insert writers name) creates (insert character) as a microcosm of (insert) to.....
    • Evidence
    • Clear concise quote that directly shows your point of view (not very long one), Embed the quote in your sentence.
    • Embed quote by explaining it and then
    • Evidence (insert character) symbolises (insert) as they say (insert quote).
    • Technique
    • Pick out any language or structure techniques stop impressive techniques are ones that look at the whole text such as semantic field and motif
    • Has their speeches littered with plosives, It creates a harsh sound emulating......
    • Technique The diction on (insert) connotes (insert) emphasising....
    • Technique There is a clear semantic field of (insert) that plagues (insert name) speech....
    • Technique This reinforces the motif of (insert)
    • Technique The short fragmented sentences is (atypical/typical) of (insert character), illuminating....
    • Technique (You can use any technique from the list, make sure you can say what the technique does)
    • Technique The alliteration on (insert) emphasis...
    • Technique The diction used (insert character) an archetype of...
    • Technique The juxtaposition on (insert) and (insert) creates a conflicting image, elucidating....
    • Technique The abundance of ellipsis in (insert character) speech reinforces....
    • Technique The use of pathetic fallacy sets a (insert) ambience, for shadowing....
    • Analysis
    • Explain what your technique does, what this shows and why. What is the effect of the technique? Does it emphasise something? What is the deeper meaning? How does it show the question? What does the character symbolise? Why-Explain why you have said this deeper meaning, explain why the characters symbolises this, Think about linking it to the bigger picture what is the character emblematic or symbolic of? Are they a microcosm (something small represents a larger idea) for something?
    • This compounds
    • This elucidates
    • This highlights
    • Thus, (insert character) is the epitome of (insert) because...
    • This exasperates
    • This demonstrates
    • This exhibits
    • This displays
    • This emphasises
    • This implies
    • This is suggestive that
    • This reinforces that
    • Context
    • Have a link to your context. Link what you last said and then introduce the context so it doesn't seem bolted on. Explain the context you're talking about not referencing the text. Make sure the context directly links to what you've been analysing in the quote.
    • As (insert character) is (insert) they showed typical views of (insert)....(explain context after)
    • Context (Insert writer) creates (insert character) as a microcosm of (insert) as at the time...(explain context after)
    • Context (Insert character) is emblematic of (insert context) because (explain context)
    • Writers intention
    • Think about why the writer has created the character in this way. You should be explaining why the writer has demonstrated the point you made and what they want to show that audience/readership. Think about the audience/leadership at the time and whether the message was needed in that society
    • In (insert writer) political diatribe, (he/she) aims to critique to the (reader/audience)
    • Writers intention In (insert writer) allegorical (novel/play), (he/she) persistently highlights to the (reader/audience) that.....
    • Writers intention Due to (insert what spoke about contextually), (insert writer) felt obliged to diminish the prejudice around....
    • Writers intention (Insert writer) uses the social in (insert era) so it would resonate deeply with their (reader/audience) that.....
    • Writers intention (insert writer) holds up a mirror to (his/her) (reader/audience) and makes them reflect on...
    • Writers intention Thus, (insert writer) personifies the theme of (insert) through the character of (insert) to