Cards (12)

  • figurative language are ways of expressing ideas by using symbols,figures,or likenesses
  • hyperbole a figure speech that expresses overstatement and exaggeration of a particular condition to make a point adding humor, and excitement to writing.
  • irony is a figure of speech that expresses the contrary or opposite of what should one really think especially in order to be funny.
  • comparison between two unlike objects using the word like or as,gives human characteristics to non-human characteristics like objects,animals,objects and ideas.
  • simile using like or as
  • metaphor: doesnt use the word like or as,it is a straightforward comparison between two things
  • personification using the word like or as,gives human characteristics to non-human characteristics like objects,animals,objects and ideas.
  • idiomatic expression or idioms are phrases which means something different from the meanings expressed of the words that are part of it.
  • vertical lines
    -suggest height and strength
    horizontal lines
    -suggest distance and calmness
    diagonal lines
    -suggest movement or lack of stability
    zigzag lines
    -suggest anxiety or excitement
    curve lines
    -suggest comfort and ease
  • symbol
    -A mark sign or word that indicates or represents an idea,object or relationship.

    -visual elements that has the strongest effect on our emotions

    -one way to convey meaning or message through an image because of how a figure is looking at something.

    -the connection between the viewer and the subject.How closer or how far away is the subject shown?
  • color
    -visual element that has the strongest effect on our emotions
  • Light
    -is a conventional films used to create a specific atmosphere.It is a very important aspect for shaping meaning in films.It can manipulate a viewers attitude towards a setting or a character