Any systematic knowledge or practice; the human attempt to understand the natural world, with or without concern for practical uses of that knowledge
The human attempt to change the world by creating products that can help people
Concerns of ancient times
Transportation and Navigation
Security and protection
Sumerian civilization
High degree of cooperation with one another and their desire for great things
Not contented with the basic things in life can offer
First writing system and one of the major contributions of the Sumerians; A system that utilizes wordpictures and triangularsymbols; Carved on clay using wedge instruments and then left to dry; Allowed the Sumerians to keep records of things with great historical value or their everyday life
Uruk City
First truecity in the world; Built using only mud or clay from the river, which they mixed with reeds, producing sun-baked bricks-a true engineering feat; Used the bricks to make houses that protected them from the harsh weather and to build a wall around the city that preventedwildanimals and neighboringraiders from entering
The Great Ziggurat of Ur
Also called the mountain of god; Served as the sacred place of their chiefgod; Only priests were allowed to enter
Other Sumerian major technological advancements
Irrigation and Dikes
Babylonian civilization
Great builders, engineers, and architects
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Egyptian civilization
Located in North Africa • famousforitslegacy
Egyptians invented ink by combining soot with different chemicals
Like the Sumerians, the Egyptians also developed a system of writing using symbols
Improved and highlightedfacial features; Used for health and aesthetic purposes
Protects the shaved head of the wealthyEgyptians; Consideredcleaner than naturalhair
Concerns of the medieval/middle ages
Massfood and farmproduction
Trade and commerce among nations
Increased, resulting in greater demands for transportation technology
Printing Press
Invented by Johann Gutenberg; Wooden machines that extracted juices from fruits, attached to them a metal impressions of the letters, and pressedfirmly
Developed by ZachariasJanssen; Key in discovering and curing various illnesses; People were able to observe organisms that were normally unseen by the nakedeye
The booming world population during the nineteenth century onwards demanded that more goods be produced at a faster rate
People needed efficient means of transportation
Food processing and medicine posed some of the bigger challenges
Invented by LouisPasteur, a Frenchbiologist, microbiologist, and chemist; The process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil faster
Solved the problem of the production of animal oils that could not keep up with the demand; Kerosene was later on referred to as the "illuminatingoil" because it was used at first to provide lighting to homes
Invented by AlexanderGrahamBell; Allowed people to easily maintain connections and communicate with each other in real time; Governments likewise needed some kind of communication system which would allow them to administer their states well
An earlier version had already been developed, but circumstances in the modern times required a faster way to compute more complicated equations; Computing devices must also be easy to carry since they would be utilized on a day-to-day basis
Many of the discoveries and inventions made by the Filipinos were therefore built from indigenousmaterials or created to adapt to the harsh tropical environment
Despite being considered a developing country, the Philippines also contributes to the global advancements of science and technology
The Philippines is known to be one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of natural disasters
Salamander Amphibious Tricycle
An alternative mode of transport that can maneuver in bothland and in floodwaters
A LED lamp product created by Philippine siblings Aisa and RaphaelMijeno, powered by the galvanicreaction of an anode with salinewater
Medical Incubator
Devised by Dr.FedelMundo, a Filipinopediatrician and the firstAsianwomanadmitted into HarvardMedicalSchool, made from indigenous and cheapmaterials which did not run on electricity; Its main purpose was to address the high mortality rate of newborn babies in the Philippines due to lack of available incubators especially in far-flung rural areas
Amphibious multi-utility trike
An alternative mode of transport that can maneuver in both land and in floodwaters
Medical Incubator
A device made from indigenous and cheap materials which did not run on electricity, to maintain conditions suitable for a newborn, usually a pre-term baby
Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal Trap System
Developed by the DepartmentofScienceandTechnology (DOST) through its Industrial Technology Development Institute (ITDI) to control the population of the dengue-carrying Aedes mosquitoes
Electric Jeepney (E-Jeepney)
A recent development in the Philippines that provides a sustainable, clean form of public transportation
Copernican Revolution
People questioned what created days and nights and were intrigued to know what is actually there
Many philosophers agreed that planets moved around in circular motion, creating days and nights
Claudius Ptolemy stated that the planets, sun and moon moved in a circular motion around the Earth (geocentrism)
Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the Ptolemaic model and introduced heliocentrism, suggesting the center of the Solar System was the sun
Darwinian Revolution
CharlesDarwin introduced the theoryofevolution, stating that allspeciesoflivingthingshaveevolvedfromsimplelifeforms
Organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment and gradually change to be more competitive to survive (survival of the fittest)
Freudian Revolution
Sigmund Freud changed the perception of psychology from an art to a science, with his theoryofpsychoanalysis explaining conscious and unconscious factors influencing behavior and emotions
Many believed Freud's theory had no scientific basis as no empirical or experimental data could support it
Freud argued that personality is a product of three conflicting elements
Scientific and technological development in the Philippines began in the pre-colonialperiod, with early Filipinos using plants and herbs as medicines, implementing farming and animal raising systems, and developing different modes of transportation