Many Linux programs use text-based data files for input
Many of Linux-operating system services use configuration files that are text-based
emacs can be customized and extended with different modes, enabling it to be used like IDE for programming languages such Java or C. It has be installed first
nano is a text editor editor designed for beginners
gedit comes with the Gnome desktop. It only runs in the GUI environment
vi is a native editor found in all Linux and Unix systems. Most Linux distributions do not include real vi; rather, they include an enhanced replacement called vim (short for vi improved)
3 Modes of vi editor
command: keystrokes entered operate as command rather than characters entered into the document
insert: any character entered is placed at the current cursor position
replace: any character entered replaces the character at the current cursor position
creating a new file:
confirmation message:
"sample.txt" [New File]
to add text, press 'i' key
to exit insert mode and return to command mode, press Esc
to save the changes you have change, press the :w command
l or right arrow : one character to the right
h or left arrow " one character to the left
j or down arrow : one line down
k or up arrow : one line up
0 : to the beginning of the current line
^ : to the first non-whitespace character on the current line
$ : to the end of the current line
w : to the beginning of the next word or punctuation character
W : to the beginning of the next word, ignoring punctuation characters
ctrl+f or page down : page down
ctrl+b : one page up
numberG : to line number ex: 1G
G : to the last line of the file
A : to append text to an existing file, moves the cursor to the end of the line before starting insert mode
o : insert the line below the current line
O : insert the line above the current line
x : delete current character
3x : deletes current character and the nexttwo characters
dd : deleted the current line
5dd : deletes the current line and the nextfour lines
dW : deletes from the current cursor position to the beginning of the nextword
d$ : deletes from the current cursor location to the end of the current line
d0 : deleteds from the current cursor location to the beginning of the line
d^ : deletes from the current cursor location to the first non-whitespace character in the line