Cards (42)

  • The term "culture" is derived from the Latin word cultura, which means to cultivate or develop.
  • Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, practices, arts, and other achievements that characterize a particular society or group
  • Culture is learned through social interaction with others who share similar values and norms.
  • Study of human origin
  • Goal: Discover what makes people different from one another in order to understand and preserve diversity
  • Field of anthropology that study the culture of living people including variation and change
    Cultural Anthropology
  • Field of anthropology that studies the communication
    Linguistic Anthropology
  • Field of anthropology that focuses on human as a biological organism
    Biological/Physical Anthropology
  • Field of anthropology that studies the past human culture
  • Marriage is legally and sanctioned union
  • Migration is how a person move from one country to another country to live.
  • The most widespread and civilized union is
  • If a man is married to multiple wives it is
  • If a women is married to multiple husband it is
  • It is the type of marriage where they live in and share expenses with each other
    Common Law Marriage
  • Type of a family that includes the partner and the offspring
    Nuclear Family
  • Type of a family that includes the family relatives
    Extended Family
  • Type of a family that includes the grandparents as the parent
    Grand Parenting Family
  • Type of a family that includes step father/mother
    Step Family
  • Type of a family that includes one parent
    Single Family
  • Type of a family that includes those family who doesn't want to have a child
    Childless Family
  • Sociology was derived from latin word "socious" meaning associate, greek word "logos" meaning study of knowledge.
  • August Comte is the father of sociology
  • Sociology is the study of human civilization
  • It is a systematic study of group and society that people build and how these affect their behaviour.
  • Field of sociology: The study of social institution, social inequality, social mobility, religious group and bureaucracy(official members).
    Sociological Organization
  • Field of Sociology: Focuses on the study of human nature and its emphasis on social process as the affect individual or responses which are called "social stimuli"
    Social Psychology
  • Field of Sociology: study of the effects of various social organization to the populations behavior.
    Human Ecology
  • Field of Sociology: demographic characteristics (population rate)
    Population studies
  • Social change is cause of social organization and disorganization.
  • Field of Sociology: discovery of theoretical tools methods and techniques/conflict -> solution
    Sociological Theory and Research
  • Field of Sociology: Concerned at the specific practical application in resolving social problem.
    Applied Sociology
  • Politics is a special field that can be interpreted differently.
  • It is the ability to do something
  • It is the ability to use power with rights
  • Monarchy can be constitutional or absolute
  • Autocratic is having the absolute power
  • Autocratic
  • SUMER - west asia
    EGYPT - nile river
    INDUS VALLEY - india
    SHANG - chinoy