Civil right

Cards (21)

  • Brown v. Board NAACP

  • Plessy
  • Prown 11
  • Ferguson overulled Brown Board
  • a deliberate spead
  • Southern Manifests
  • RP Montgomery bus boycott
  • Desegregation Little Rock
  • Federal court ruling

  • Martin Luther King
  • SCLC Southern Christian Leadership programme
  • Sit ins
  • SNCC formed
  • Freedom rides
  • SCLC Birmingham, Alabama campaign

  • Martin Luther King: 'I have a dream'
  • A Doll's House
    Explores the effects of societal expectations of families and how they lead to prejudice
  • Home Fire
    Explores the effects of societal expectations of families and how they lead to prejudice
  • Both texts reveal how societal expectations create prejudice, undermining individual identities and marginalising families
  • This analysis highlights the significance of understanding and challenging societal expectations to stop prejudice, reflecting broader societal issues of discrimination and marginalisation
  • These themes are universally relevant, demonstrating how literature pieces can provide critical insights into societal expectations and encourage more inclusive and equitable perspectives