
Cards (9)

  • What is an action potential?
    An electrical impulse that travels down the neuron
  • What are the three types of neurone?
    • Sensory
    • Motor
    • Relay/intermediate
  • What do sensory neurones do?
    Carry nerve impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS
  • What is the structure of a sensory neurone?
    Short axon long dendrites
  • What do relay neurones do?
    Transmit signals between motor and sensory neurones
  • Where do relay neurones lie?
    Brain and spinal cord
  • What is the structure of relay neurones?
    Short axon short dendrites
  • What do motor neurones do?
    Transmit signals from CNS to effectors and control their contractions
  • What is the structure of a motor neurone?
    Long axon short denrites