1 owner or up to a maximum of 10 members
Members make a contribution to CC (money, assets or services rendered)
Members have an interest in CC (% adds up to 100%)
No share capital but interest
Ability to raise capital restricted to members
Members participate in management of CC (equal rights to manage/represent)
Membership limited to 'natural persons' (no companies)
CCs may be members of a partnership or company
Name must have letters 'CC' at the end of title
Separate legal personality (juristic/ legal person)
Limited liability
Continues to exist (perpetual succession), even if membership changes
Income of CC belongs to CC- not its members
CCs taxed at company tax rate
If qualify as Small Business Corporation - pay tax accordingly
Profits after tax may be distributed among members (shared according interest)
Profits paid - subject to Dividends Tax in hands of members