Dormer Window - used to increase the usable space in a loft and to create window openings in a roof plane
Mansard Roof - (french roof, curb roof) Four-sided, gambrel-style hip roof characterized by two slope on each of its sides, with the lower slope punctured by dormer windows, at a steeper angle than the upper
Rococo / Rocaille Style (Late Baroque) characterized by soft colors and curvy lines; depicts love and nature
Rococo was the special forte of Juste Aurele Meissonnier
Palais de Louvre - by Pierre Lescot, is one of the most imposing palaces in Europe
Lescot Wing at the Palais de Louvre is the biggest museum in the world with 380,000 pieces in its collection
Palais de Versailles - was built for Louis XIV by Louis Le Vau and Jules Hardouin Mansart and started as a small hunting lodge
Galerie des Glaces by Jules Hardouin-Mansart in a lavish interior of marble and goldwork
Palais de Versailles gardens - designed by Andre Le Notre with plants, waters and fountains; finest extant example of French garden design