Ordinal Level - Describes ranking or order. The difference or ratio between two rankings may not always be the same.
Grade Level (Grade 1, Grade 2)
Birth Order (First Born, Middle Child)
Nominal Level - Observations can be named without particular order or ranking imposed on the data. Words, letters, and even numbers are used to classify the data.
Blood Type (A+, A-, B+)
Student Number (20192356, 20190018)
Interval Level - Indicates an actual amount (numerical). The order and the difference between the variables can be known. Its limitation is it has no “true zero”.
IQ score (140 IQ points, 155 IQ points)
Temperature in degree Celsius (45°C, -5°C)
Ratio Level - It has the same properties as the interval level. The order and difference can be described. Additionally, it has a true zero and the ratio between two points has a meaning.