Cranial nerve kesions

Cards (30)

  • Brain
    A series of wires
  • Testing nerves
    1. Overlapping functional wires
    2. Pinpointing non-functional wires
    3. Building up a picture of where there might be a problem
  • Simplified example
    • B
    • A
    • D
    • c
  • Olfactory nerve (cranial nerve I)

    Responsible for sense of smell
  • Optic nerve (CN II)

    Responsible for sense of sight
  • Oculomotor nerve (CN III), trochlear nerve (CN IV) and abducens (CN VI)

    Work together to move the eye
  • Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)

    Responsible for sense of balance and hearing
  • Accessory nerve (CN XI)

    Function is to move the shoulders
  • Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)

    Function is to move the tongue
  • Trigeminal nerve (CN V)

    General sensation to face
  • Facial nerve (CN VII)

    Motor to face
  • Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)

    General sensation to throat
  • Vagus nerve (CN X)
    Motor to throat
  • Two tools in life
    • Olfactory
    • Optic, oculomotor, trochlear & abducens
  • Olfactory
    1. Olfactory mucosa
    2. Olfactory nerves
    3. Olfactory tracts
    4. Lateral olfactory stria > primary olfactory cortex
    5. Medial olfactory stria > limbic system
  • Olfactory
    Responsible for distinctive smells, individual nostrils, may report changes in smell or taste
  • Optic, oculomotor, trochlear & abducens
    1. Neurones in retina
    2. Converge to form optic nerve
    3. Hemi-decussate
    4. Travel along optic tract
    5. Synapse in thalamus
    6. Run to primary visual cortex
  • Eye testing
    • Visual acuity
    • Visual fields
    • Pupillary reflex
  • Pupillary reflex
    1. Light detected by retina
    2. Signal carried by optic nerve
    3. Processed in brain stem
    4. Impulse created in Edinger-Westphal nucleus (parasympathetic nucleus of oculomotor)
    5. Travels along both oculomotor nerves
    6. Synapses in ciliary ganglia
    7. Travels to sphincter pupillae part of irises
    8. Both pupils constrict
  • Optic nerve
    • Eye movement
    • Trigeminal sensation
    • Cavernous sinus
    • Trigeminal motor
  • Trigeminal motor

    • Paralysis of muscles of mastication
    • Pterygoid action unopposed
    • Mandible differs toward affected side
  • Facial motor
    • Corneal reflex
    • Facial pathway
  • Hearing and balance

    • Swallowing and speech
    • Gag reflex
  • Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
    Responsible for shoulder strength and tongue
  • Parasympathetics
    • Oculomotor, facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves
    • 'Rest and digest'
    • Increased salivation
    • Pupils constricted
    • Decrease heart rate
    • Decrease respiration rate
  • Sympathetics
    • Hitch-hike from thorax into head on internal carotid artery
    • 'Fight or flight'
    • Dry mouth
    • Pupils dilated
    • Increase heart rate
    • Increase respiration rate
    • Cause sweating
  • It may or may not be practical to test each nerve in the field
  • Feeling unusual sensations that shouldn't be there can be as telling as things that aren't
  • Reflexes are probably the most important for you: pupillary, corneal and gag
  • Paramedics identify the following as important
    • Know the function of each
    • Cranial nerve exam: Smell, Vision, Eye movement, Taste, PUPILLARY RESPONSE, Facial sensation, Hearing, Balance, Autonomic signs (HR, Skin, RR, pupils), Gag (for intubation), Shoulder strength, Tongue deviation
    • Pupillary
    • Bells
    • Pathways useful
    • Cover the senses
    • Paraesthesia's
    • Diplopia