Cards (39)

  • Hiragana - used for native Japanese words
  • Katakana - used for words borrowed from other languages.
  • Kanji - are Chinese characters used to simplify a word so you don’t have to spell it all out.
  • Hiragana - is the system students are supposed to learn first.
  • Hiragana - used to write native Japanese words or to spell words or part of words that don’t have their own Kanji symbol.
  • Hiragana - The rounded, curvilinear characters used for native words
  • Hiragana - The essential building blocks in learning to read and write Japanese.
  • Katakana - Japanese writing system use to write foreign and borrowed words.
  • Katakana - originally considered as "men's writing"
  • Katakana - use in abbreviation
  • Katakana - For mimetic words like wanwanbowwow
  • Katakana - Use as to English as italics or boldface
  • Katakana - Name of plants and animals in academic reports
  • Kanji - Characters that were created in China
  • Kanji - Introduced to Japan via Korea more than 1,500 years ago
  • Kanji - There are 50,000 characters
  • Kanji - 3000 employs for Japanese newspaper and magazines
  • 1945- commonly used kanjis (Jouyou kanji)
  • 1006 –taught at the elementary school level (kyouiku kanji)
  • Romaji - The use of Roman Alphabet
  • Romaji - Introduced by Yajiro
  • Romaji - Intended for foreigners living in Japan
  • Tome - (means “stop”). You bring your pen to a complete stop at the end of a stroke.
  • Hane - (means “jump”). You end the stroke with a slight flick/hook
  • Harai - (means “sweeping”). This is the broad sweep at the end of a stroke.
  • a - あ
  • i - い
  • u-
  • e - え
  • o - お
  • DAKUTEN - are the two small strokes that
    change the sound of symbols.
  • ‘k’ sound becomes a ‘g’ sound
  • s sound becomes a ‘z’ sound
  • t sound becomes a ‘d’ sound
  • h sound becomes a ‘b’ sound
  • HANDAKUTEN is a small circle that changes ‘h’ to ‘p’.
  • long sound - i and u sounds are extended.
  • double consonant sound, small tsu is added to consonant.
  • nasal sound - N is pronounced as M if it follows B,M and P.