HEREDITY - transmission of traits from parents to offspring
ENVIRONMENT - being with other people, source of experience
eat and hydrate
putyourselffirstgo offline
GERMINAL STAGE - firststage, dividing mass of cells has not become implanted in the uterine wall conception through implantation
ZYGOTE - fertilized ovum or egg
until 8th week major organs are formed
4thweeks in EmbryonicStage - heartsbegins to pump blood and beat
Y SEX CHROMOSOMES - testforms and produceandrogens
EMBRYO - suspended in amnioticsac (sac within uterus that containsembryo or fetus) nutrients & wastes are exchanged with mother through placenta
EMBRYO - connected to placenta by umbilicalcord (a tubebetween the mother and her developingchild)
FETALSTAGE - 3rdmonthuntilbirth
5 lbs - fetus
7 lbs - newborn girl
7½ lbs - newbornboy
CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES - changes in chromosome structure or number
STRUCTURAL - change to specific part of chromosomes
NUMERICAL - changes to number of chromosomes
XX - girl
XY - boy
DELETION - part of chromosomes are deleted (cri du chatsyndrome)
INVERSION - genetic material flipped in opposite direction (do not often result in disease)
DUPLICATION - part of chromosomes duplicated, extra genetic material (charcotmarie tooth diseasetype I)
TRANSLOCATION - piece of one chromosome has brokenoff & attached to anotherchromosome (potential cause of trisomies
trisomy 13 - patau syndrome
trisomy 18 - edwards syndrome
trisomy 21 - down syndrome
klinefelter syndrome - genotype xxy
turner syndrome - genotype x
TERATOGENS greek word : “teras” means monster
maternalmalnutrition is related to premature birth and low birth weight
risk of spinabifida, a neural tube
defect (can be reduced if vitamins containing folic acid are taken during pregnancy)
SIDS - smoking
FAS - alcohol
DRUGS - any drugs taken during pregnancy can potentially harm fetus
PERSISTENCE - It means NOT giving up when the answer to a problem is not immediately known
OVERCOMING IMPULSIVENESS - planning, clarifying goals, exploring alternative strategies, and considering consequences before begins a task
LISTENINGTOOTHERS - some cognitive psychologists believe the ability to listen to another people and understand their point of view is one of the highest forms of intelligent behaviour
FLEXIBILITY IN THINKING - one considers other points of view rather than running with the first thought that comes to mind
METACOGNITION - awareness of how one is thinking or the knowledge of what is going on in one’s head.
QUESTIONING AND PROBLEM-POSING - asking questions and finding out problems for oneself
CHECKING FORACCURACYAND PRECISION - behaviour of not letting speed surpass the desire for craftsmanship
LIVING WITH ASENSEOFWONDERMENT - having inquisitiveness, curiosity and openness to both complexity and simplicity, and beauty
CREATIVITY - applying ingenuity, originality and insight in order to generate unique, clever and useful products, solutions or techniques
USINGALLTHESENSES - using senses of feeling, seeing, hearing, or even tasting and smelling, in order to solve problems more efficiently & effectively
PRECISIONOFLANGUAGEANDTHOUGHT - uses descriptiveterms to distinguish objects and provide criteria for value judgments
APPLYINGPASTKNOWLEDGETONEWSITUATIONS - calling upon one’sknowledge and experience as source of data to solve new challenges
RELATIONSHIP is particular way which group behave towards each other (there is a connection between them)
INTERACTION is mutual or reciprocal exchange of communication
SENSEOFHUMOR - ability to look at situations, opportunities, problems, and relationships with nonchalance and fun
COOPERATION - taking advantage of knowledge and insights from social relationships
SOCIAL PSYCH - studyofindividuals as they interactwithothers study of how thoughts, feelings, perception are influenced by presence/interaction with others
effect of social factors on individual behavior, attitude, perception
SIZE OF THE GROUP - more people in group, more likely members tend to conform