Mauryan Empire (321 - 185 BCE) - The first indian empire and established by Chandragupta Maurya. It had an effective government but a harsh one
The Mauryan Empire had well organized bureaucracy, tax-collection, and state owned factories and shipyards
ChandraguptaMaurya was succeeded by his grandson Ashoka who adopted Buddhism as the state ideology of the empire.
KushanEmpire - replaced the Mauryans. Only ruled the northern part of India
Southern Kingdoms: Chola, Kerala, and Pandya.
Gupta Empire - Succeeded the KushanEmpire and the GoldenAge of India
EconomicProsperity during GuptaEmpire because of establishment of textileindustries, merchant guilds, and the use of coin.
Cultural Advancements of guptaEmpire because of the crystalization of Hinduism, Development of IndianLiterature like Shakuntala and Panchatantra
Pushyabuti and Chola Dynasty - Replaced the Gupta Empire and the last local dynasty before the conquest of Muslim and the establishment of Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire