A series of islands located in Canada's far north and north of Canadian Shield but south of Hudson Bay
Low-lying, barren islands with coastlines ranging from extensive lowlands to spectacular cliffs
Summer is brief, but sunny, it is cold and frozen in the winter
It is dark all day in the winter and light all day in the summer
This is a layer of sedimentary rock rests on top of the underlying shield
Flat low area covered by bogs and fens, and dotted with ponds,lakes and streams
Sparsely vegetated, with vast seemingly lifeless areas
The ground is mostly composed of permafrost, making construction difficult and often hazardous, and agriculture virtually impossible
Mostly muskeg or peat-forming wetlands
The region is famous for its polar bears
Caribou migrate to the area in summer
In summer the coast of this region is alive with birds, such as lesser snow geese, Canada geese, brant, tundra swans, oldsquaw, king eider, and northern phalarope and many shore-birds