Topic 5

Cards (13)

  • Exothermic reaction

    a chemical reaction in which heat is released to the surroundings
  • exothermic reaction profile

    Products are at a lower energy than the reactants
  • Endothermic reaction

    A reaction in which energy is absorbed from surrounding
  • endothermic reaction profile

    Products are at a higher energy than the reactants
  • Bond energies
    Bond breaking = endothermic
    Bond forming = exothermic
  • Bond energy calculations
    negative energy change = exothermic (as shown on reaction profile)

    positive energy change = endothermic (as shown on reaction profile)
  • Chemical reactions in a cell

    - produce ELECTRICITY
    - 2 different electrodes in contact with an electrolyte (liquid that contains ions that react with the electrodes)
    -the chemical reaction between electrodes and electrolytes form a CHARGE DIFFERENCE
    - if the electrodes are connected to a wire then the electricity produced can flow.
  • What effects the voltage of a cell
    - type of electrodes
    - the difference of reactivity of electrodes (the bigger difference = bigger voltage)
    - electrolyte used
  • Non-rechargeable batteries

    - the chemical reactions at the electrodes are irreversible
    - eventually one of the reactants is used up the the reaction stops
    - electricity production stops
    - battery needs to be replaced
  • what is used in FUEL CELLS
    FUEL and OXYGEN to produce electrical energy
  • Hydrogen and oxygen fuel cells
    - involve redox reaction

    1) hydrogen goes into anode compartment
    1.5) oxygen goes into cathode compartment
    2) at anode hydrogen loses electrons, produces H+ ions - oxidation
    3) H+ ions move to cathode
    4) at cathode oxygen gains electrons and reacts with H+ ions to make water
    5) electrons flow through an external circuit from anode to cathode
  • Hydrogen Fuel cell pros
    - not as many pollutants produced
    - less expensive than batteries
    - easier to dispose of than batteries
    - store more energy then batteries
  • Hydrogen Fuel cell cons
    - Hydrogen is gas so harder to store
    - hydrogen is explosive when mixed with air so have to make sure it's securely stored
    - often formed from hydrocarbons (fossil fuels) or by electrolysis which uses electricity (generated by fossil fuels)