Topic 7

Cards (42)

  • what is a hydrocarbon?
    a compound made of hydrogen and carbon atoms
  • Alkanes
    a hydrocarbon containing only single covalent bonds
    - fully saturated
  • first 5 alkanes
    1. Methane
    2. Ethane
    3. Propane
    4. Butane
    5. Pentane
  • Hydrocarbon properties change as the chain gets longer
    Shorter chain = more runny
    Longer chain = viscous

    Shorter chains = lower BP's

    Shorter chain = more flammable
  • Complete combustion equation
    hydrocarbon + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water
  • Fractional distillation steps
    - crude oil is heated to boiling,
    - vapour passes into fractionating column (in this column there is a TEMPERATURE GRADIENT),
    - temperature decreases up the tower,
    - diff fractions condense at diff heights,
    - longest chain does not condense and runs out the bottom to form bitumen
    - longer chains condense at the bottom,
    - shorter chains condense at the top
  • Fractional distillation
  • Crude oil uses
    Oil provides the fuel for most modern transport
    = cars, train, planes etc

    The petrochemical industry uses some of the hydrocarbons from crude oil as a feedstock to make new compounds for use in things like polymers, solvents, lubricants, and detergents

    All products from crude oil are organic compounds (compounds w/ carbon atoms)
    = as carbon atoms can bond together to form different groups called homologous series
    = these groups contain similar compounds with many properties in common
  • Cracking Hydrocarbons
    Breaking up of large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller and more useful molecules
  • What does cracking hydrocarbons form
    a shorter ALKANE and ALKENE
  • Alkenes
    have a C-C double bond as their functional group
    - more reactive because of this
  • first 4 Alkenes
  • Burning Alkenes
    - smoky flame
    - less energy released
    - need a lot of oxygen to completely combust
    - usually undergo INCOMPLETE COMBUSTION
  • Burning Alkenes equation
    alkene + oxygen ---> carbon + carbon monoxide + carbon dioxide + water
  • Addition Reactions in Alkenes
    Alkenes can react with:
    - Hydrogen
    - Water
    - Halogens
  • Alkenes + Hydro
    - Hydrogenation
    - (reacted in presence of a catalyst)
  • Alkene + steam
    - forms an alcohol
  • Alkene + Halogen
    they can reaction together as the halogens are all diatomic molecules
  • Addition Polymers
    - made from unsaturated monomers
    - c=c bond opens up to join to another opened up carbon atom
    - makes polymer chains
    - poly(name of monomer)
  • uses of polymers
    Poly(ethene) = light = plastic bags, bottles and other containers
    Poly(propene) tough = kettles and carpets
  • Drawing a polymer
  • Alcohols
    - functional group is OH
  • alcohols general formula
  • first 5 alcohols
  • (first 4) alcohols properties
    - flammable - complete combustion
    - all soluble in water
    - react with sodium
    - can be oxidised to form carboxylic acids
  • Alcohol uses
    - solvents because they dissolve things water can't
    - fuels e.g. spirit burners because they burn cleanly
  • what is fermentation?

    the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms,

    sugar -----> ethanol + carbon dioxide
  • Carboxylic acids
    - functional group is -COOH
  • first 4 carboxylic acids
    Methanoic acid
    Ethanoic acid
    Propanoic acid
    Butanoic acid
  • first 4 carboxylic acids (drawn)
  • Carboxylic acids reactions
    - React like any other acids with carbonates to form salt + water + CO2
    - the salts formed end in -anoate
    - can dissolve in water but they ionise and release H+ ions

  • Esters
    - made from carboxylic acid + Alcohol
    - functional group -COO-
    - an acid catalyst is used
  • alcohol + carboxylic acid ---->
    ester + water
  • drawing Ethyl Ethanoate
  • Condensation polymers
    polymers containing different functional groups
    monomers form bonds e.g. polyester.
    - each new bond that forms releases a small molecule.
  • Making a polyester
  • Addition Polymerisation
    - ONE MONOMER type containing a double C-C bond


    - CARBON-CARBON double bond
  • Condensation polymerisation
    - 2 MONOMER TYPES with same functional group
    - ONE MONOMER with 2 different functional groups


    - 2 REACTIVE GROUPS on each monomer
  • Naturally occurring polymers examples
    - Proteins
    - DNA molecules
    - Simple sugars
  • Proteins
    - polypeptides
    - every new bond formed a water molecule is lost
    - used in human bodies - catalysts, antibodies
    - made of amino acids