to coordinate a response to surroundings e.g thoughts, movements, bodily functions
What is a neurone?
A nerve cell that carries an electrical impulse
What do neurones do?
Carryelectricalimpulses from one point to another
What are the features of neurones?
Long, thin and have branched connections on the ends for them to pass messages to other nerve cells
what is needed for one nerve cell to communicate with another?
A synapse
What is a synapse ?
A gap of connection between nerve cells to help one nerve cell to send an impulse to another
What happens when an electrical
impulse hits the end of a nerve?
The neurone releases neurotransmitter chemicals that diffuse past the synapse from one neurone to another . Then binds to the receptorcells in the next neuronesmembrane so that a new electrical impulse can be made
What is the central nervous system made up of?
Brain and spinal chord
What does the CNS do?
it takes in sensoryinformation (e.g touch, smell) and decides what to do with it and sendsorders to the rest of the body to trigger a response
What do receptor cells do?
They detect the stimulus
What do sensory neurones do?
Carriesinformation from receptors to the centralnervoussystem
What do motor neurones do?
they send impulses from the CNS to our effectors (glands or muscles ) to cause a reponse
What are effectors?
muscles and glands
Which part of the neurone is electron impulses passed along?