Organic compounds found in living organisms that are insoluble (or only sparingly soluble) in water but soluble in non-polarorganicsolvents
Lipidsdonothave a commonstructural feature that serves as the basis for defining such compounds
Classification of lipids
Based on solubility, not on any functional groups
Insoluble or sparingly soluble in water
Soluble in non-polar organic solvents
Exhibit structural diversity
Some are esters, some are amides, and some are alcohols (acyclic and cyclic) and some are polycyclic
Five categories of lipids
Energy-storage lipids - triacylglycerols
Membrane lipids - phospholipids,sphingoglycolipids, and cholesterol
Emulsification lipids - bileacids
Chemicalmessenger lipids - steroidhormones and eicosanoids
Protective-coating lipids - biologicalwaxes
Fatty acids
Structural components of all the lipids
Carboxylic acids with linear (unbranched) carbon chain
Naturally occurring monocarboxylic acids
Types of fattyacids based on carbonchainlength
Long chain fatty acids: c12 - c26
Medium chain fatty acids: c6 - c11
Short-chain fatty acids: c4 - c5
Types of fattyacids based on saturation
Saturated - allc-cbonds are singlebonds
Monounsaturated - onec=cbond
Polyunsaturated - 2 ormorec=cbonds present - up to sixdoublebonds
Saturatedfattyacids (SFAs)
Fattyacid with a c chain in which allcarbon-carbonbonds are singlebond
Monounsaturatedfattyacids (MUFAs)
Fattyacid with a carbon chain in which onecarbon–carbondoublebond is present
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
Fatty acid with a carbon chain in which two or more carbon–carbon double bonds are present
Types of unsaturatedfattyacids
Omega (ω)-3fattyacids - unsaturated fatty acid with its endmostdoublebondthreecarbonatomsawayfrom its methylend
Omega(ω)-6fattyacid - unsaturated fatty acid with its endmostdoublebondsixcarbonatomsaway from its methylend
Unsaturatedfattyacids and doublebond position
Numbering starts from the other end of cooh
Structural notation indicates number of catoms and the number of c-c double bonds present
To specify double-bondpositioning, add greek capital letter delta (∆) followed by one or more superscript numbers
Fattyacids of biologicalimportance
Omega-3 fatty acids: linolenic acid
Omega-6 fatty acids: linoleic acid
Linoleicacid deficiency
Skin redness, infections and dehydration, liver abnormalities, childrenneed it the most, humanmilk has more thancow'smilk
Americandiet is sufficient in omega6 fatty acids but deficient in omega3 fatty acids
Fish is a good source for omega 3 fatty acids
High rate of heartdisease may be due to imbalance in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
Idealratio of omega6 to omega3 fatty acids is 4 - 10g: 1g
Physicalproperties of fattyacids
Water solubility is a direct function of carbon chain length, decreasing as chain increases
Shortchain fatty acids have some solubility whereas longchain fatty acids are insoluble in water
Shortchain fatty acids are sparinglysoluble because of carboxylic acid polar group
Meltingpointincreases as carbonchainincreases and decreases as degree of unsaturationincreases
Melting point of fattyacids
Depends on length of carbonchain and degree of unsaturation (number of doublebonds)
Space-filling molecules
Number of bends in a fattyacidchainincrease as the number of doublebondsincrease, resulting in lesspacking, lowermeltingpoint, and tendency to be liquids at roomtemperature
Energy-storage materials
Carbohydrate glycogen is the mostwidespread energy storage material, present in small amounts
Triacylglycerols are the mostconcentrated energy storage material, primarily stored in adipocytes
Trans-monounsaturated fats are considered "badfats"
Polyunsaturated fats can be both "good fats" and "bad fats"
Omega 3 and 6 are important "goodfats"
Cold waterfish are a goodsource of omega-3 fatty acids
Essential fatty acids
Fattyacids that must be obtained from dietary sources, notsynthesized within the body
The two most important are linoleic acid (omega6) and linolenic acid (omega3)
Needed for proper membrane structure and as starting materials for longer-chainomega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids
Deficiencies may result in skin redness, infections,dehydration, and liver abnormalities
Eatingnuts can have a strongprotective effect against coronary heartdisease due to lowamounts of saturated fatty acids and presence of antioxidantvitamins,minerals, and plantfiber protein
Chemicalreactions of triacylglycerols
Formation of a triacylglycerol
Esterification of glycerol with threefattyacids
Complete and partialhydrolysis of a triacylglycerol
Breaking of 1-2 ester bonds to give rise to mono- or diacylglycerol and fattyacid(s)
Hydrolysis in basic solution to produce salt of fatty acid and glycerol
Oxidation of triacylglycerols present in skinperspiration can lead to trans fatty acid formation
Up to 80% of the mass of a cell membrane can be lipid materials, dominated by phospholipids
A phospholipidcontainsone or morefattyacids, a phosphate group, a platform molecule (glycerol or sphingosine), and an alcoholattached to the phosphate group
Lipid that contains twofattyacids and a phosphategroupesterified to a glycerolmolecule and an alcoholesterified to the phosphategroup
Allattachments are esterlinkages, with fouresterlinkagescompared to three in triacylglycerols
Function as components of cellmembranes,unliketriacylglycerols which serve as energystorage
Structures based on the 18-carbonmonounsaturatedaminoalcoholsphingosine, containing onefattyacid and onephosphate groupattached to a sphingosine molecule and an alcoholattached to the phosphate group