english lit vocab 4

Cards (15)

  • epithet - descriptive term used to describe someone/something
  • dialectic
  • reductive
    reduces the character to just a label so can use the wording of the exam question as reductive
  • salvage
    to save
  • scrupulous
    very principled, very careful and conscientious high moral standards for what one considers right
  • sporadic
    occurring irregularly
  • stagnation
    motionlessness; inactivity
  • subjugate
    to bring under control; to conquer
  • succumb
    to give in
  • fecundity
  • convoluted
    complex or complicated
  • germane
  • preposterous
  • defamatory
    harmful toward another's reputation
  • esoteric
    intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest