Cards (22)

  • In July, 1969, Nail Armstrong (1930-2012)
    said, " That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." From that time, great leaps and progress in science and technology were made. Wireless, communication, genetic engineering, and space exploration are just some of mankind's achievement.
    restless universe
  • the action or process of moving or of changing place or position; movement
  • when the position of an object changes over a certain period of time
  • He classified motion as terrestrial (or sublunar) and celestial
    aristotle view of motion
  • Terrestrial motion is the movement of objects on Earth. According to Aristotle, Earth is the center of the universe and everything on earth was made up of only four elements: earth (center), water, fire, and air
    aristotle view of motion
  • If an elements was moved from it's natural place, it would return to its natural place following a straight line
    rectilinear motion
  • lifting a rock is a violent motion because the rock was removed from it's natural place.

    violent (or unnatural) motion
  • as the motion of celestial bodies which only possessed the tendency for uniform circular motion
    celestial motion
  • is considered one of the greatest observational astronomers because he was able to explain the precession of equinoxes
    hipparchus view of motion
  • refers to the movement of Earth relative to it's orbital plane
    precession of equinoxes
  • this phenomenon accounts for the seemingly continuous displacement of stars relative to the equinoxes.
    precession of equinoxes
  • He had two description of Earth's motion based on his observation (ration and revolution) which are classified as either diurnal (daily) motion or annual (yearly) motion
    copernicus view of motion
  • refers to the rotation of Earth about it's exis from west to east. As the rotates, some of its parts are exposed to the sun's rays while other parts are not
    diurnal motiom
  • refers to the movement of Earth with reference to the sun. There are two types of annual motion: Earth's revolution and it's movement with respect to the obliquity of its axis
    annual motion
  • greatest contributions to astronomy was his observational data that gave rise to the eventual cataloguing of the Rudolphine Tables by Johannes Kepler
    brahe's contribution in observation astronomy
  • Tycho's deathbed, he asked his assistant ________ to continue what he started by completing his astronomical tables.
    johannes kepler
  • he becomes famous because of his laws of planetary motion namely as law of ellipses, law of equal areas, and law of harmonies
    johannes kepler
  • aphelion is the point in planet's orbit that is farthest the sun, while perihelion is the point in Earth's orbit that is nearest to the sun

    law of ellipses
  • As a planet moves at any point along it's elliptical orbit, it travels equal areas of space in equal periods of time
    law of equal areas
  • The squares of the revolution of the planets are directly proportional to the cubes of their average distances from the sun
    law of harmonies
  • farthest point in planet's orbit
  • nearest point in earth's orbit