Theme C

Cards (77)

  • Genesis 1:27
    Humans share in the qualities of God - how he's omnipotent, immanent and FREE, it gives humans a sense of dignity
  • Colossians 3:11
    Human dignity: Shows how Jesus died for our sins/humanity and he wants to give his grace to everyone - there should be NO DIVISION OF ANY TYPE between people
  • Mark 12:31
    Human dignity: Put needs of others on the same level as ours, do things to others like you want happening to you
  • Micah 6:8
    Human dignity: shouldn't be selfish but should strive for justice and equality
  • How are we all the children of God?
    We are children in Christ and we are his creatures
  • God became man (incarnation) therefore men have been dignified by God
  • How to accept other human beings?
    Recognise that every person's has a right to have different set of beliefs - wasn't always the case as Henry VIII persecuted all Christians
  • Second Vatican Council declared what about freedom of beliefs?
    Declared 'Dignitatis Humanae 2' - shows how we have freewill - rights to have freedom of religion
  • The rights and differences of individuals must be recognised and respected - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 18
  • We must not try and force others to accept a religion
  • Human rights
    the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans should be entitled
  • The CC promotes the rights of the individual, regardless of race, status and religion
  • Gaudium et Spes 16 talks about human rights
  • Pope John XXIII - Began teachings on peace and how it's important for everyone to have rights and dignity: Pacem in Terris 9
  • UN Declaration of Human Rights should be LEGALLY FOLLOWED BY EVERY COUNTRIES but many are being denied these rights- CC are trying to solve this and have equality
  • CC says anyone who doesn't get these basic rights is being treated less than a human - loses their human dignity
  • Parable of the sheep and goats show that whoever helps a person that doesn't have human rights helps Jesus
  • Insisting on people having basic human rights also means accepting the responsibility to respect others rights, and to help make those rights avaliable
  • Catholics believe how me must change the world and work together to do this
  • Rights
    If people want rights, must accept that others need same rights as well
    Must help people have access to basic human rights
    Vulnerable people don't normally have access to basic human rights
  • Responsibilities
    • this can limit what a person is allowed to do
    e.g the right to free speech is not used responsibly if it's used to encourage violence
    • we must be aware of our responsibility to protect the human rights of others.
    • Must speak in a responsible and respectful manner
  • Catholic Agencies that work to bring human rights to those who don't have them:
    • The Justice and Peace Commission
    • Caritas International
    • Agencies from other religions
  • The Justice and Peace Commission
    ensures people's rights are respected
    raises awareness and takes physical actions eg providing neccessities
  • Caritas International
    raise awareness of situations eg human trafficking - takes action to stop this
    Pressurises United Nations to improve access to human rights globally
  • Agencies from other religions
    Catholics work with other agencies like Islamic Aid help people get justice
    Some GOVs don't allow Catholic agencies working in their countries
  • All Catholics are members of the Body of Christ on Earth
  • Bible teaches us to reject money and be poor but others think that having wealth is acceptable as long as it is used wisely
  • Wealth may distort people's values and perspectives
  • Pacem in Terris 28-30

  • Stewardship
    Belief that humans have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God.
  • Wealth

    Money and possessions a person has
  • Stewardship of Wealth
    must help to correct the imbalance of wealth in the world
  • Teachings in the Bible about responsibilities of wealth:
    Mark 6:8-9 ; Jesus told his disciples to reject money and be poor
    Matthew 25:14-30 ; wealth is A GIFT FROM GOD, must be used wisely
    1 John 3:17 - shows how wealth should be used to help others
    Rich Man and Lazarus shows how wealth can distort peoples values and perspectives
  • CC teaches that poor people have been deprived of their rights and dignity and that the rich have exploited them
  • 2 Corinthians 8:12 shows how we aren't expected to be poor but we should share our wealth with the needy
  • WE ARE STEWARDS OF GOD'S WEALTH - must share wealth responsibly and carefully with people in need
  • Exploitation
    when people misuse power or money to get others to do things for little or unfair reward
  • Human trafficking
    a form of modern-day slavery
  • Christians should be productive - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11
    Genesis 41 tells us the story of Joseph storing spare grain, this was done to feed the nation during famine.