qualitative v quantitative data

    Cards (10)

    • qualitative data
      expressed in words and are non- numerical. take form of a written description or written account of what a researcher saw in an observation.
    • quantitative data
      results that can be counted, usually given as numbers.
    • a03- quantitative
      • answers don't tend to represent real life, low ecological validity.
      • simple to analyse as it takes the form of a statistic.
    • a03- qualitative
      • greater external validity as it provides more insight into participants.
      • difficult to analyse due to subjective nature.
      • can lead to experimenter bias in analysis.
    • primary data
      data that has been obtained first hand by the researcher.
    • secondary data
      information that has already been collected by someone else so pre-dates the current research project.
    • meta-analysis
      combining results from a number of studies on a particular topic to provide an overall view.
    • tables
      measurements collected in a research study are referred to as 'raw data'. raw data is then converted to descriptive statistics.
    • bar chart
      a graph used to represent the frequency of the data, bar charts are used when data is divided into characteristics.
    • histogram
      frequency distribution in which the number of scores in each category of continuous data are represented by columns.