
Cards (134)

  • Outline
    • Microbial Physiology
    • Impacts of Microbial Metabolism
    • Important Processes
    • Metabolic Diversity
    • Microbial Nutrition
    • Physical Requirements
    • Chemical Requirements
    • Viruses
    • Host-Microbe Interaction
  • Carbohydrate catabolism
    1. Glycolysis
    2. Krebs cycle
    3. Electron transport chain
  • 38 ATPs can be generated from 1 glucose molecule
  • Fermentation
    1. Doesn't require Krebs cycle or ETC
    2. Produces end products such as lactic acid or ethanol
  • 2 ATPs are produced from 1 glucose molecule
  • Lipid Catabolism
    1. Lipids are first broken down into component fatty acids and glycerols by lipases
    2. Each component can then enter the Krebs cycle
  • Protein catabolism
    1. Proteases and peptidases break down proteins into component amino acids
    2. Amino acids must undergo enzymatic conversion into substances that can enter the Kreb cycle
  • Metabolic Diversity
    • Phototrophs - light as energy source
    • Chemotrophs - redox of in/organic compounds
    • Autotrophs - self-feeders
    • Heterotrophs - feed on others
  • Most medically important organisms are chemoheterotrophic, because typically, infectious organisms catabolize substances obtained from the host
  • Chemoheterotrophic
    An organism which derives its energy from chemicals, and needs to consume other organisms in order to live
  • Physical Requirements
    • Temperature
    • pH
    • Osmotic pressure
    • Adaptations
  • Temperature
    • Psychrophiles - cold-loving
    • Mesophiles - moderate temperature
    • Thermophiles - heat-loving
    • Most bacteria grow within a limited range of temperatures
    • Min and max growth temps are only 30° C apart
    • Optimum temperature - temperature at which the species can best grow
  • pH
    • Most bacteria grow best between pH6.5-7.5
    • Few bacteria grow below pH 4
    • Chemical buffers such as phosphate salts and peptones are included
  • Osmotic pressure
    • Microbes obtain nutrients in solution from water
  • Adaptations
    • Extreme halophiles
    • Obligate halophiles
    • Facultative halophiles – do not require high salt concentrations but can grow at concentrations up to 2%
  • Chemical Requirements
    • Carbon
    • Nitrogen
    • Sulfur
    • Phosphorus
    • Trace Elements
    • Organic growth factors
    • Oxygen
  • Obligate aerobes
    Cannot use anaerobic respiration or fermentation
  • Facultative anaerobes
    Can use anaerobic respiration or fermentation when oxygen is absent, e.g. E. coli and yeasts
  • Obligate anaerobes
    Cannot use molecular oxygen for energy-yielding reactions, e.g. Clostridium
  • Aerotolerant anaerobes

    e.g. lactobacilli; they can survive convert harmful forms of oxygen to O2
  • Microaerophiles
    Can only tolerate oxygen concentrations lower than air
  • Culture media
    Nutrient material prepared for the growth of microorganisms
  • Inoculum
    Microbes that are introduced into a culture medium to initiate growth
  • Culture
    Microbes that grow and multiply in a culture medium
  • Culture media must be initially sterile
  • Agar
    A solidifying agent, few microbes can degrade it, liquefies at 100°C, remains liquid until temperature drops to 40°C, NOT a nutrient
  • Forms of culture media
    • Broth (liquid)
    • Slants
    • Stab tubes/ deeps
    • Plates
  • Broth (liquid)
    • Pellicle: A mass of organisms is floating on top of the broth
    • Turbidity: The organisms appear as a general cloudiness throughout the broth
    • Sediment: A mass of organisms appears as a deposit at the bottom of the tube
  • Mannitol salt agar

    • Differential (distinguishes mannitol fermenters and non-fermenters) and selective (high salt con'c prevents most bacteria except Staphylococcus spp.)
  • MacConkey agar
    • Differentiates from lactose fermenters (left) and non-fermenters
  • Streak plate method
    Most commonly used method for obtaining pure cultures
  • Preservation
    • Refrigeration for short-term storage
    • Deep-freezing
    • Lyophilization(freeze-drying)
  • Five "I"s of culturing microbes
    • Inoculation: Producing a pure culture
    • Isolation: Colony on media, one kind of microbe, pure culture
    • Incubation: growing microbes under proper conditions
    • Inspection: Observation of characteristics (data)
    • Identification: use of data, correlation, to ID organism to exact species
  • Binary fission is the most common mode of microbial reproduction
  • Budding is another mode of microbial reproduction
  • Sterilization, disinfection, and sanitization
    • Sterilization - removal or destruction of all living microorganisms
    • Disinfection - control of harmful organisms
    • Sanitization - lower microbial counts to save public health and minimize the chances of disease transmission
  • Aseptic technique

    To protect yourself from contact with biohazards, to protect your sample from contamination, and to protect others in the lab
  • Methods of control of microbial growth
    • Moist heat
    • Pasteurization
    • Dry heat
    • Filtration
    • Refrigeration
    • Deep-freezing and freeze-drying
    • High pressure
    • Desiccation
    • Osmotic pressure
    • Radiation
  • Moist heat
    • Best for dishes, various equipment; autoclave for media and other items that can withstand pressure
    • Kills vegetative bacterial and fungal pathogens and almost all viruses within 10 min; less effective on endospores
    • Autoclaving - at about 15 psi of pressure (121°C), all vegetative cells and their endospores are killed in about 15 min
  • Pasteurization
    Heat treatment that kills all pathogens and most nonpathogens, best for food