
Cards (9)

  • All-inclusive package
    Accommodations, meals, transportation, activities all included in one price
  • The most popular destination in 2019 was France
  • Advantage of tourism for the environment
    • Can encourage the preservation and protection of nature in a given territory (national parks)
  • Tourism region

    Tourism development consists of highlighting the unique characteristics of a territory. Tourism goes attract a great deal of wealth
  • Factor influencing tourist destination choice
    Tourists generally choose destinations based on their own personal interests and the attractions that exist in the region
  • Disadvantage of tourism for the local population
    • The local population can suffer as there is a lack of resources. Tourism causes the cost of accommodation to rise
  • Ecotourism
    Activities are concentrated on the appreciation of nature
  • Cultural tourism
    • Visiting museums
  • Seaside tourism
    Activities are concentrated on the sea and the beach