The Ethernet and WiFi Protocols

Cards (8)

  • The TCP/IP protocol suite has more than two protocols, it is a whole stack of protocols each operating in different layers
  • Ethernet
    A family of standardized protocols that operate in the link layer to format data and transmit it on the same network segment using twisted pair cables
  • Frames
    The term used to refer to data packets in link layer protocols like Ethernet
  • Wi-Fi
    A standardized family of wireless local area network protocols that use radio waves in a specific frequency band to communicate
  • Channels
    Small frequency ranges within the Wi-Fi frequency band that devices use to communicate to avoid interference
  • WPA/WPA2
    Protocols in the Wi-Fi family that provide encryption for data transmitted over Wi-Fi networks
  • Wi-Fi
    • Allows remote/mobile connectivity
    • Cheap and easy to set up
    • Easy to expand network
    • Susceptible to interference
    • Limited range and easily blocked
    • Less stable and reliable than wired connections
    • Generally slower and more vulnerable to hacking than wired connections
  • Wired connections
    • Generally more stable and reliable than Wi-Fi
    • Slightly better in terms of latency and speed than Wi-Fi