Cards (29)

  • what does circumnavigation mean?
    sail all the way around the world
  • reasons for circumnavigation?
    -he was attacking spain(he did not aim to sail around the world,his main purpose was to raid spanish colonies in the pacific,as relations with Spain were declining at this time)
    -revenge(the spanish had attacked Drake's fleet at St Juan Ulua and most of his men had been killed)
    -get fame and fortune
    -get investments
    -break the spanish trade monopoly
  • Benefits of the circumnavigation?

    -England's reputation in power increased.
    -England's naval power increased
    -Drake's achievement boosted the income of Elizabeth and her government
    -England ships began to trade elsewhere
  • what did the circumnavigation achieve?
    -succeeded £500 million
    -Drake set out with 5 ships,but by the time he reached the Pacific Ocean in 1578,only the Golden Hind was left.
    -Drake executed Captain Thomas Doughty for mutiny
    -only 56/169 men survived out of the second crew
  • What did Drake return with?
    -stories of battles with the spanish
    -new discoveries
  • what happened in November 1577?
    left plymouth with 5 ships,but returned due to a storm
    the official plan was to picked up cargo from Egypt
  • what happened 13 december 1577?
    left plymouth for a second time
    pelican was his flagship
  • what happened in deccmber 1577-april 1578?
    sailed down the west coast of Africa to the Cape Verde Islands,capturing a Portuguese ship.
  • what happened in april 1578?

    Drake revealed that the true purpose of the voyage was not to picked up cargo from Egypt but to explore opportunity for trade and conquest in south America
  • what happened april-june 1578?
    explored east coast of south american
  • what happened in july 1578?
    west ashore at San Julian
    attacked by locals
    drake beheaded a former friend Sir Thomas Doughty
    drake renames the Pelican to Golden Hind
  • what happened in June 1579?
    landed in California
    Drakes was welcomed by the locals as a God. 
  • what happened from april-june 1579?
    drake sailed North passed Vancouver and onwards towards Alaska.
    he was looking for the rumoured North West passage to take home.
  • what happened from march-may 1579?

    -Drake could no longer return the way he came as planned
    -His attacked on Spanish settlements and ships meant the Spanish name operating in the area were waiting to capture him. Instead he continued to sail north. 
  • what happened in march 1579?
    -Chased and captured the Spanish ship Cacafuego. It took 6 days to move the 362,000 pesos from the captured ship to the Golden Hind.
  • what happened in february 1579?
    -Sailed north
    -Launched sunrise attacks on the Spanish settlements
    -Valparaiso, Arica and Callo
    -They captured Gold, silver and silk
  • what happened in september 1578-1579?
    the marigold sinks
    elizabth became seperated in the storm,and got sent home
  • what happened 21st august 1578?

    Drake and his 3 ships enter the Strait of Magellan
  • what happened in 26 september 1580?
    landed in plymouth
  • what happened from january-september 1580?
    sailed across the indian ocean,around the cape of good hope
  • what happened in july 1579?

    sails across the pacific ocean
  • what happened in november 1579?
    lands at ternate,spice islands and makes a trade treaty
  • what happened in january 1580?

    sailed to Java(Indonesia)to pick up supplies
  • how important was the impact of trade?(8/10)
    -1600 east india company(silk,cottons and tea)
    -made navigation easier
    -traded with spice islands
  • how important was the impact of Elizabeth I?(5/10)
    -navy was stronger
    -became richer
    -gained a new ally and support from the pioneer
  • how important was the impact of naval supremacy?(7/10)
    -more powerful navy
    -to maintain the strongest navy in the world in order to communicate with its global countries
    -modernised ships
  • how important was the impact of personal glory?(6/10)
    -brought great wealth to the merchants and nobles who sponsored the voyages
    -glory and riches of exploration
    -exploration made nationals heroes(e.g Drake and Raleigh)
    -Knighted became Mayor of Plymouth
  • how important was the impact of new knowledge?
    -greater knowledge provided safer routes
    -they returned with spice,fabrics,things of medical values of the New World.
  • how did drake change the world?
    -disrupting the Spanish armada in the English Channel with fire ships in 1588