It had been shown by Karl W. Nageli (1817-1891) that the cell membrane is semi-
permeable and is responsible for the osmotic and other related phenomena exhibited by living cells.
Plasma Membrane functions as semi-permeable or selectively permeable membrane.
J.D. Robertson - "unit membrane concept"
J.Q. Plowe - term the word plasmalemma
Plasma membrane is primarily composed of protein and lipid, carbohydrates, and cholesterol.
Lipids are fatty compounds that perform a variety of functions in our body.
Cell membrane consist of 3 class of amphiphatic lipids: PHOSPHOLIPIDS, GLYCOLIPIDS, and CHOLESTEROLS
PHOSPHOLIPIDS - consist of polar head and unsaturated fatty acid tails
Carbohydrates - third major components of plasma membrane
Proteins are the main component of plasma membrane. Second major component
Membrane proteins are classified as or 2 main categories the integral (intrinsic) or peripheral (extrinsic) according to the degree of their association with the membrane
Peripheral Proteins: They are also called extrinsic proteins associated with membrane surface.
Integral or Intrinsic Proteins: These proteins penetrate the lipid layer wholly or
partially and represent more than 70% of the two protein types.
Danielli-Davson model (1934) suggested that the plasma membrane consists of two layers of lipid molecules.... phospholipid bilayer
According to the view of Hiller and Hoffman (1953), plasma membrane consists of a mosaic of globular subunits or micelles.
Garter and Grendel Model: founding fathers proposed in 1925
Unit Membrane Model: proposed by J. David Robertson which aimed to explain all cellular structure of membrane
Fluid Mosaic Model: Singer and Nicolson, 1972 - fluidity is important because it allows movement of integral proteins within the plane of the membrane
The Fluid Mosaic Model suggests that the plasma membrane has an internal fluid phase consisting of phospholipids and cholesterol, and external hydrophilic regions where glycoproteins and glycolipids reside.