Is an extensive exfoliative dermatitis that occurs primarily in newborns and previously healthy children.
Scalded Skin Syndrome
Scalded Skin Syndrome is caused by?
Staphylococcus aureus
mild inflammation of hair follicle or sebaceous gland.
are large, raised, superficial abscesses; can be an extension of folliculitis.
develop from multiple furuncles which may progress to deeper
is a rare but potentially fatal, multisystem disease characterized by a sudden onset of fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, muscles aches and rash, which can quickly progress to hypotension and shock.
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Aerobic catalase test uses how many % of H202?
Anaerobic catalase test uses how many % of H202?
What coagulase is bound to cell wall
Cell-bound coagulase/clumping factor
- an extracellular enzyme; free from the cell wall
- it causes clot formation when bacterial cells are incubated with plasma
Unbound coagulase/free coagulase
It enhances invasion and survival in tissue; breaks down hyaluronic acid present in the intracellular ground substance of connective tissues, resulting to spread of bacteria.
Hyaluronidase (spreading-factor enzyme)
It has fibrinolytic activity; dissolves fibrin clot.
Staphylokinase (fibrinolysin)
• It is produced by both coagulate-positive and coagulase-negative staphylococci.
• It is essential for survival in sebaceous areas of the body.
• It is important in the formation of furuncles, carbuncles and boils.
Lipase (fat-splitting enzyme)
" It lowers viscosity of exudates, giving the pathogen more mobility.
Deoxyribonuclease (DNAse) and Phosphatase
It breaks down penicillin and other beta-lactam drugs.
It breaks down penicillin and other beta-lactam drugs.
What type of ENTEROTOXINS are responsible for food poisoning (the infected food)
Enterotoxins A, B and D
is associated with pseudomembranous enterocolitis " Signs and symptoms: diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting among humans; no fever is associated
Enterotoxin B
It attacks and kills WBC ( PMN, macrophage and monocytes).
Is a pore-forming exotoxin that kills WBC; it suppresses phagocytosis.
it is responsible for necrotizing skin and soft tissue infections
It causes anemia - make iron available for microbial growth.
Hemolysin (Cytolytic Toxin)
In SCALDED SKIN SYNDROME, what layer of skin is destroyed?
stratum granulosum
scalded-skin syndrome (SSS) is also known as?
Ritter disease
For S. aureus, it is an immunologically active substance found in the cell wall. " Is antiphagocytic by competing with neutrophlls for the Fe portion of specific opsonins.
Protein A
Coagulase Test reagent:
rabbit plasma
" It detects cell bound coagulase/clumping factor on the surface of the cell wall"
Slide method
It is considered a sensitive method; definitive test.
Resistance of staphylococci to penicillinase-resistant penicillin occurs in up to _____% of coagulase-negative staphylococci and up to _________% of S. aureus.
• Is a normal flora of skin. • Is a contaminant of medical instruments - catheters (indwelling and IV), CSF shunts and prosthetic heart valve implants (implanted medical devices).