
Cards (32)

    – maintains blood supply to the eye
    maintains the placement of the retina and the eyeballs spherical
    refracts light rays entering the eye
    – permits light to enter the eyes
  • LENS
    – refracts and focuses light into the retina
  • RETINA – receives visual stimuli and transmits images to the brain for processing
    – maintains the eye size and shape
  • Hordeolum / Stye
    – caused by an infection
  • Chalazion
    – enlargement of meibomian gland
  • Xanthelasma
    – lipidosis
  • snellen chart

    The ability to discern letters or numbers at a given distance
  • Normal acuity
    20 / 20
  • better vision
    20 / 15
  • legally blind
    20 / 200
  • jaeger test
    An eye chart used in testing NEAR VISION ACUITY
  • jaeger test normal acuity
    14 / 14
  • Myopia
    – Nearsigthedness
  • Hyperopia – Farsightedness
  • Presbyopia
    Farsightedness due to aging
  • Snellen E Chart
    Also known as the “Tumbling E”
  • Snellen E Chart
    Useful to test the distance visual acuity of CHILDREN or ADULTS who cannot
    communicate verbally due to physical / mental disability, language barrier or other
  • shihara Test
    Color perception / vision test for RED – GREEN color deficiencies
  • Allen Card Test
    o Done at a distance of 3 meter
    o Consist of a set of seven card with each card containing a single picture
    o Usually used for 2 years old child and older
    o the child is first shown cards at close range with both eyes open and is asked to
    name each picture
  • Conjunctiva
    The mucous membrane that covers the front of the eye and lines the inside of the
  • Tonic Pupil
    unilateral large pupil (tonic pupil) that reacts to light slowly (benign)
  • Horner's syndrome
    o Enequal pupils; affected pupil small but reacts to light and has ptosis on affected eye
    related to sympathetic nerve lesion
  • Argyll Robertson pupils
    small and irregular with no reaction to light or accommodation, associated with
  • Oval pupils
    irregularly shaped pupils may be caused by certain eye surgeries
    may indicate a transtentorial herniation with third
  • Sluggish or fixed pupil reaction to light

    Lack of oxygen to optic nerve or brain or topical or systemic drug effects
  • Absence of consensual response
    seen in conditions that compress or deprive those areas of oxygen
  • Strabismus
    squint; deviation of the eye which the patient cannot overcome
  • Nystagmus
    involuntary rapid movement (horizontal, vertical, rotatory, or mixed) of the eyeball