PCR Problems

    Cards (10)

    • Balance between agressive amplification and avoidance of contaminating template and can be resolved physically and chemically?
    • What is the major cause of contamination?
      Presence of PCR products from previous amplifications
    • Methods of physical decontamination?
      UV light
    • Method of physical decontamination that induces base damage that catalyzes the formation of single and double-stranded strands of DNA?
      UV light
    • UV light enhanced the effectivity with the addition of?
    • Methods of chemical decontamination?
      10% bleach
    • Widely used method for decontamination and workspace preparation, 7mm hypochlorite solution, and it is frequently wiped on surfaces that come in direct contact with specimen material to remove most DNA contamination.
      10% bleach
    • Method of chemical decontamination which substitutes the dTTP for dUTP in the PCR reagent master mix.
    • Uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) degrades any nucleic acid containing?
    • The incubation period of the chemical decontamination method that is added before PCR amplification?
      50 degrees celcius
      2-25 minutes