Cards (62)

  • endomysium - muscle fiber is enclosed in a delicate connective tissue sheath
  • perimysium - wrapped by a coarser fibrous membrane
  • fascicle - bundle of fibers
  • epimysium - covers the entire muscle
  • tendon - indirectly attaches the muscle to bone, cartilage, or another connective tissue covering
  • smooth muscle - no striation and is involuntary
  • skeletal muscle - striated muscle and voluntary muscle
  • cardiac muscle - striated, uninucleate and its control is involuntary
  • intercalated discs - cardiac muscle fibers are branching cells joined by special gap junctions
  • motor unit - consists of one neuron and all the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates
  • axon - threadlike extension of neuron
  • axon terminal - forms junctions with the sarcolemma of a different muscle cell
  • neuromuscular junction - contain synaptic vesicles and neurotransmitters
  • acetylcholine - specific neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle fibers
  • synaptic cleft - gap between two neurons, filled with interstitial fluid
  • origin - attached to the immovable or less movable bone
  • insertion - attached to the movable bone
  • flexion - a movement, generally in sagittal plane, that decrease the angle of the joint and brings two bones closer together
  • extension - opposite of flexion, a movement that increases the angle, or distance, between two bones or parts of the body
  • hyperextension - extension that is greater than 180 degrees
  • rotation - is movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis
  • abduction - moving limb away from the midline of the body
  • adduction - is the opposite of abduction, is movement of a limb toward the body midline
  • circumduction - is a combination of flexion, extension, abduction and adduction commonly seen in ball-and-socket joints, such as in shoulders
  • prime mover - major responsibility for causing a particular movement
  • antagonists - muscles that oppose or reverse a movement
  • synergists - help prime mover by producing same movement or by reducing undesirable movements
  • fixators - specialized synergists
  • frontalis - covers the frontal bone, runs the cranial aponeurosis to the skin of the eyebrow, where it inserts
  • orbicularis oculi - fibers of the _ run in circles around the eye. allows you to close your eyes, squints, blink and wink
  • orbicularis oris - the circular muscle of the lips. often called the "kissing" muscle
  • buccinator - muscle runs horizontally across the check and inserts into the orbicularis oris
  • zygomaticus - extends from the corner of the mouth to the cheekbone.
    "smiling" muscle
  • masseter - runs from the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to the mandible, covers the angle of the lower jaw
  • temporalis - fan-shaped muscle overlying the temporal bone
  • neck muscles - move the head and shoulder girdle , small straplike
  • platysma - single sheetlike muscle that covers the anterolateral neck
  • sternocleidomastoid - are two-headed muscle, one found on each side of the neck
  • pectoralis major - large fan-shaped muscle covering the upper part of the chest
  • intercostal muscle - are deep muscle found between the ribs