Temperature is a measurement of how hot an object is
measured using a thermometer
Transferring of heat energy
heatenergy is transferredfrom the hotterobjectto the colderobject
temperature will change until the two objects reaches the sametemperature
Expansion and contraction:
When a substance is heated, it expands
When a substance is cooled, it contracts
Expansion in liquids:
Oceans absorb heat energy from the earth's atmosphere, causing them to expand and sea levels to rise
The rise in sea levels leads to more coastal land being washed away
Bimetallic strips:
Made up of two metals that expand at different rates
Brass expands and contracts more than steel
A thermostat helps to keep the temperature constant
Hot air balloon:
When air in a hot air balloon is heated, its volume increases
The mass remains constant as the number of air particles stays the same
Since the volume increases, the density decreases
The hotter and less dense air rises, causing the balloon to float
When the boy sucks the straw, the air pressure inside the straw decreases and becomes lower than the surrounding atmospheric pressure, The higher atmospheric pressure pushes the liquid up the straw
Transfer of heat energy without the physical movement of the medium
-metal is a betterconductor of heat compared to paper so it conductsheataway from our hand more quickly and the metal feels colder
-solids are betterconductors of heat than fluids due to closearrangement of particles compared to liquid and gases and enables the transfer of heatenergy to occur more quickly
words to describe:
Factors affecting conduction
Type of material used
Transfer of heat energy from one place to another by the physical movement of a medium
Convection in liquids
Water gains heat, expands, volumeincreases, densitydecreases, hotter and lessdense water rises, cooler and denser water sinks, heat energy is evenly distributed
Convection in gases
Air above the candle heatsup,expands, becomes lessdense, rises, coolerair moves down to replace the hotterair
Transfer of energy from a hotter body to a cooler body without the need of a medium
words used:
absorption / emitter
Someenergy is reflectedback, greenhouse gases absorb and releaseenergy back to the atmosphere
Factors affecting radiation
Temperature of object
Surface area of object
Type of surface (dull and rough are better absorbers of heat and emitters than shiny and smooth)
How does an air conditioner work?
Warm air is lessdense and collects under the ceiling, air con cools the warmair, it becomes denser and sinks to the bottom