Computer Programming 2

Cards (52)

  • Exception
    An event that occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of instructions
  • Exception handling
    The process used to change the normal flow of code execution if a specified exception occurs
  • Checked exceptions
    • ClassNotFoundException
    • IllegalAccessException
    • InstantiationException
    • NoSuchMethodException
  • Unchecked (runtime) exceptions
    • ArithmeticException
    • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    • ArrayStoreException
    • InputMismatchException
    • NullPointerException
    • NumberFormatException
    • StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • try block
    A block of code that might throw an exception that can be handled by a matching catch block
  • catch block
    A segment of code that can handle an exception that might be thrown by the try block that precedes it
  • The getMessage() method can be used to determine Java's message about the exception
  • Only one (1) try block is accepted in a program but there can be multiple catch blocks
  • User-defined exception
    Created by extending the Exception class
  • finally block
    Contains statements which are executed whether or not an exception is thrown
  • There can only be one (1) finally block after a try-catch structure but it is not required
  • A throw statement sends an exception out of a block or a method so it can be handled elsewhere
  • Volatile storage
    Temporary. Volatile values (stored in variables) are lost when the computer loses its power. The Random Access Memory (RAM) is being used when a Java program stores a value in a variable.
  • Non-volatile storage
    Permanent. A Java program that is saved on a disk uses a non-volatile storage.
  • Computer file
    A collection of data stored on a non-volatile device.
  • Types of files
    • Text file
    • Binary file
  • Text file
    Consists of data that can be read in a text editor. Data in a text file is encoded using a scheme. The most common schemes are ASCII and Unicode. Examples are program files and application files.
  • Binary file
    Contains data that is not encoded as text. This file has contents in binary format, which means they cannot be understood by viewing them in a text editor. Examples are images, music, and the .class extension files which are created after compiling Java programs.
  • The common characteristics of a text file and binary file are size, name, and date and time of creation.
  • Permanent files
    Commonly stored in the main directory or the root directory.
  • Folders or directories

    Used to organize stored files.
  • Path
    The complete list of the disk drive plus the hierarchy of directories in which the file is located.
  • In the Windows operating system, the backslash (\) is the path delimiter – the special character used to separate path components.
  • Path class

    Creates objects that contain information about files and directories, such as sizes, locations, creation dates, and is used to check whether a file or directory exists.
  • Files class
    Performs operations on files and directories, such as determining their attributes, creating input and output streams, and deleting them.
  • Absolute path
    A complete path; it does not require any other information to locate a file on a system.
  • Relative path
    Depends on other path information.
  • Path methods
    • toString()
    • getFileName()
    • getNameCount()
    • getName(int)
  • To convert a relative path to an absolute path
    The toAbsolutePath() method is used.
  • To verify if a file exists and if a program can access it when needed
    The checkAccess() method is used.
  • Arguments of the checkAccess() method

    • None
    • READ
    • WRITE
  • To remove a file
    The delete() method of the Files class is used.
  • Examples of exceptions that can be thrown when deleting a file: NoSuchFileException, DirectoryNotEmptyException, SecurityException, IOException.
  • To remove a file without encountering an exception if the file does not exist
    The deleteIfExists() method can be used.
  • To retrieve useful information about a file
    The readAttributes() method of the Files class is used.
  • BasicFileAttributes methods
    • size()
    • creationTime()
    • lastModifiedTime()
    • compareTo()
  • Character
    The smallest useful piece of data. A character can be any letter, number, or other special symbol (such as punctuation mark) that makes up data.
  • Field
    A group of characters that has some meaning.
  • Record
    A collection of fields that contain data about an entity.
  • File
    Consists of related records.