These are minor irritations than can trigger a stress response
Buffer- uplifts give a break from hassles and help to cope
Accumulation- many frequent events that lead to more stress
Amplification- chronic stress from life events, more vulnerable to hassles
Lack of social support- less to buffer
Kanner- negative correlation between frequency of hassles and wellbeing
longitudinal- 100 participants 45-64 completed HSUP over 9 months.
better predictor of well-being than uplifts
Aldwin- Older people also had more hassles and less uplifts which means they had less to buffer stress
Bouteyre- 233 students moving to university- 41% depressive symptoms
Daily hassles was a major risk factor
Dohrenwend- overlap on HSUP and symptoms of psychological (psychologists assessed) disorder (sleep and insomnia) Hassles may not actually be the problem.
Self- report questionnaires issues of social desirability- doesn't effect them...
Each event on scale couldn't select anything less than severe for it's effect