
Cards (68)

  • Existentialism
    Philosophy responsible for creating purpose or meaning in our own lives
  • Existence Precedes Essence
    Philosophical concept
  • Jean Paul Sartre
    • Key figure in the philosophy of existentialism
  • Essence
    A certain set of core properties that are necessary or essential for something to be what it is
  • Absurdity
    Search for an answer in an answerless world
  • Bad Faith
    Following the path of mauvaise (bad) faith rather than living authentically
  • Existentialism- responsible for creating purpose or meaning in our own lives
  • Nihilism - Belief ultimatw meaningless of life
  • essentialism- we have our own purpose before we born
  • communism- everyone supposed to sgare the wealth that they create
  • categorical imperative- Commands you must follow regardless of your desire. amoral obligations are derived from pure reason
  • Habituation
    Habituation is the process of becoming accustomed to something
  • Cowardness
    Cowardness is the quality of being afraid to face danger or difficulty
  • Communism
    An economic and political system in which the community as a whole owns the means of production
  • In communism, everyone is supposed to have the wealth that they create
  • Categorical Imperatives
    Moral obligations that are derived from pure reason and must be followed regardless of your desires
  • Immanuel Kant
    A philosopher who tried to work out how human beings could be good without needing religion
  • According to Kant, we don't need religion to have pure reason
  • Utilitarianism
    Making sacrifice for making good, focuses on results or consequence of action
  • Morality
    Knowing what is wrong and right
  • Moral reasoning
    Pangangatwiran sa tama at mali
  • Deontological Reasoning
    Doing the right thing, we hurt and fulfill our duty even if
  • Categorical Imperative
    Central philosophical concept
  • Immanuel Kant
    German philosopher and one of the foremost thinkers of the enlightenment
  • Teleological reasoning Goal, purpose (telos)
    must chose to do the least evil or bad option to bring greatest goodn to bring greatest good
  • "The end justifies the means"
  • Facticity
    Being in the world without any knowable reason for such existence
  • Environmental ethics
    Studies the moral relationship of human beings to their environment
  • Anthropocentrism
    Considers human beings as the center of moral consideration
  • Enlightened anthropocentrism
    Responsible for keeping the balance and beauty of nature
  • Pathocentrism
    Moral consideration must also be given to animals because like humans they also feel and experience pain and suffering
  • Calls for animal liberation
  • Ahimsa
    Not causing harm to other living things
  • Mahatma Gandhi: 'Taught and practiced ahimsa'
  • Eudaimonia- flourishing, happiness, wellbeing
  • liberalism- individual freedom is important, but there must be some restrictions on it
  • socialism- government controls economy, but not as much as communism
  • also peel and exp

    Meaning unknown
  • Speciesism
    Meaning unknown
  • aston-call pi
    Meaning unknown