Part of the hotel operations where they serve food conveniently to their respective guest rooms by just calling the Room Service Department and placing an order of food and drinks to be sent to their room
Advantages of Room Service
Can enjoy meals in privacy
Can place an order even at odd hours
it saves time
Celebrities want privacy away from public attention and the media
Some wish to wear casual wear, even night clothes
Some guests prefer to have private meetings in their rooms
Disadvantages of Room Service
Room service is moreexpensive because of the convenience of eating in rooms
Guests in a hurry are intolerant to delays
The challenge for the hotel is to serve hot food. As food is transported to the main kitchen, food can get cold
Room service menus are limited
Skills of Room Service Staff
Ability to communicate
Local knowledge
Teaand coffee trays
Champagne or winetrays
Room Service Pantry
For keeping crockery, linen, food, beverages, and other equipment that are required in room service operations
Room Service Pantry Location
Close to kitchen
Close to service lifts
Close to storage areas
What an order should have
Date/Docket number
Name/Room number
Time of order
Time of delivery
Special requests
What was ordered
Extra special requirements
Who took the order
Presenting Room Service Account
1. Checking service documentation before presenting to the guest
2. Present room service account to the guest
3. Process payment of room service account
Why do customers complain?
Their expectations have not been met
To help improve the service
Most Common Complaints
Wrong information
Poor customer service attitude
Lack of adequate information
Unresponsiveness of service providers
Types of Customers
Aggressive customer - Readily complains, often loudly and at length
High-Roller customer - Expects the absolute best and is willing to pay for it. Likely to complain in a reasonable manner
Rip off customer - Goal is not to get the complaint satisfied but to win by getting something that is not entitled to be received. "not good enough" response
Chronic complainer - Never satisfied, feels there is always something wrong