a walk is a route along edges from one vertex to the next
a path is a walk in which no vertex is visited more than once
a trail is a walk in which no edge is visited more than once
a cycle is a walk in which the start and end vertex is the same and no vertex is visited more than once
a Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle that includes every vertex
the first-fit algorithm is done by
Take the items in the order given
Place items in the first available bins
the first-fit decreasing algorithm is done by
sort the items into descending order
apply first-fit algorithm
the full-bin algorithm is done by
use combinations to fill bins
apply first-fit algorithm
in an undirected graph the sum of the degrees of vertices is equal to 2 times the number of edges as a consequence the number of odd vertices must be even. This is the handshaking lemma
an isomorphic graph is a graph that shows the same information drawn differently
how to carry out kruskals
order arcs into ascending order of weight
select arc of least weight to start
if no cycle accept
if cycle reject
how to carry out prims
choose any vertex to start the tree
select arc of least weight to join vertex
an eulerian graph is a trail that includes every edge and starts and finishes at the same vertex, all the vertices are even
a semi-eularian graph is a trail that includes every edge but starts and finishes at different vertices, two odd vertices
to carry out route inspection
identify any vertices with an odd degree
consider all possible pairings
select pairings with the least sum
add a repeated arc between both pairs
how to formulate a linear programming problem
define decision variables
state objective
write constraints as inequalities
on a linear programming graph the unshaded area is the feasible region
to find solutions with integer values test the last integer solution by the objective line then test the objective