One of the biggest factors affecting our lives in this modern generation
Defined as "an ideology that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirable"
It does not simply connects to the direct factors in our daily lives such as the widespread advertising, but anything that is connected to the overrated idea in our modern society that in order for a person to be happy, better and more successful, he has to have more things or stuff
The term's primary motivation is the thought that if one has all the means for buying things, then one can be happy
This school of thought has already been a part of the modern society internationally
Intimately tied to the creation and production of a sense of self
People tend to procure things without taking into consideration the importance of that thing to their daily lives
Consumers just buy things which they think they want it rather than they need it
Recognizing this, it is possible to make a conclusion that consumption works as a way to create a sense of self
It functions as a way for the consumers to connect with the society at large where they think they fit within the social structure