Increase in frequency/occurrence of volcanic tremors
Increased steaming activity
Crater Glow
Ground swells, ground tilt, ground fissuring
Localized landslides
Drying up of vegetation
Increase in temperature in its crater lake
Noticeable variation in the chemical content of spring, crater lakes (presence of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide spikes)
Drying up of springs/wells
New/Reactivated thermal areas (Solfataras)
Summary: crater lake released approx. 100,000to300,000tons (some sources say 1.6 million tons) of carbondioxide, killing about 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock via asphyxiation.
Parameters used to monitor Volcanoes
Ground Deformation (any surface changes in the perimeter of the volcano)
Seismic Activity (tremors/quakes)
Gases (presence of CO₂ and SO₂)
Sensory Observations (Visual - presence of steam, Auditory - rumbling sounds, Olfactory - smell of rotten eggs (smell of sulfur), Tactile - ground movement is felt)
Shield Volcanoes
Low profile (resembling a warrior'sshield), lowviscosity lava, described as having a relatively gentle effusive eruptions
Shield Volcanoes
Olympus Mons (located on Mars)
Mauna Loa (located in Hawaii)
Mauna Kea (located in Hawaii)
Also known as composite volcano, characterized by having a steep profile, with summit crater, known for its explosive eruptions, high viscosity lava
Mt. Mayon (located in the Philippines)
Augustine Volcano (located in USA)
Mt. Fuji (located in Japan)
Cauldron-like, forms because of collapse due to emptying of magma chamber
Caldera type Volcanoes
Mt. Kīlauea (located in Hawaii, technically a shield volcano)
Mt. Pinatubo (located in the Philippines, technically a stratovolcano)
Mound-shaped protrusion, slow release of lava, while being highly viscous, forms inside a caldera volcano
Lava Dome Volcanoes
Mt. Chaitén (located in Chile)
Mt. Novarupta (located in Alaska peninsula)
Countermeasures against Volcanic disasters
Monitoring Levels
Preparedness Guides
Hazard Maps
Volcanic bombs
larger than 64mm (2.5inches) in diameter
Volcanic block
What term is used for volcanicbombs when they are solid?
What are the ground parameters monitored to predict volcanic activity?
Carbondioxide (CO₂) and sulfur dioxide (SO₂)
Name twogases monitored as indicators of volcanic activity.
Strictly speaking there are only 2 types of volcanoes, what are those?