Christian Terms

Cards (35)

  • BC
    Before Christ
  • AD
    Anno Domini, Latin for in the year of the Lord
  • Atonement
    Reparation for a wrong or injury; The act of Christ's sacrifice
  • Baptism
    The religious rite of sprinkling water onto a person's forehead or immersion in water symbolizing purification and admission to the Christian Church
  • Sacrament
    A religious ceremony or ritual regraded as imparting divine grace
  • Eucharist
    Christian service, ceremony, or sacrament commemorating the Last Supper
  • Consecrated
    Having been made or declared sacred; Declared to be or represent the body and blood of Christ
  • Anoint: smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony
  • Confer
    Grant or bestow a title, degree, benefit, or right
  • Congregation
    A group of people assembled for religious worship
  • Crucifixion
    The execution of a person by nailing or binding them to a cross
  • Easter
    Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus
  • Faith
    The trust and belief in God and the teachings of Christianity
  • Revelation
    Divine guidance or inspiration; The way in which God reveals himself
  • Salvation
    The saving of human beings from sin and its consequences by Christ's death and resurrection
  • Grace
    God's unmerited favor and love towards humanity
  • Incarnation
    The doctrine that God became human in Jesus; A person who embodies in the flesh a deity, spirit. or abstract quality; One of a series of lifetimes that a person spends on Earth
  • Justification
    Moving from a state of sin to a state of righteousness by God through faith
  • Righteousness
    Being right in the eyes of God
  • Kingdom of God
    The spiritual realm over which God reigns as King
  • Lent
    The 40 day period leading up to Easter where Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus
  • Paschal Mystery

    The passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus
  • Pentecost
    Christian holiday celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles that is held on the seventh Sunday after Easter
  • Sin
    An act of disobedience against God
  • Worship
    The reverent adoration of God, often through prayer, song, and sacrament
  • Apostle
    A follower of Christ who was sent to spread the Gospel, usually used to refer to the Twelve Disciples
  • Allegorical
    Reading the Bible in a non-literal way; The Bible is not to be taken as absolute fact, but rather read for the deeper meaning hidden within its text and stories
  • Catechism
    The Roman Catholic Church's summary of its doctrine and moral code
  • Celibacy
    Refraining from sex or other sexual activity
  • Confession
    When a Christian tells a priest their sins and receives advice and/or penance. The priest usually will absolve their sins by pronouncing absolution
  • Penance
    Something to do to make amends
  • Covenant
    An agreement between God and humans
  • Denomination
    A branch of Christianity
  • Immanent
    The belief that God intervenes and is active in the world
  • Liturgy
    The form in which Christians worship, usually in a Church, and can follow a set structure and wording