Explanation of the following concepts and terms associated with the family: family, kinship, nuclear family, extended family, matriarchal, patriarchal, monogamy, polyandry, polygyny, matrifocal, patrifocal, legal marriage, common-law marriage, separation, divorce, inheritance
The functions of the family in contemporary Caribbean society: as a unit of procreation, as a social unit for rearing children, namely the socialisation of the individual, as an economic unit for satisfying needs, as a social unit for satisfying emotional and psychological needs
Differences in family types and unions in the Caribbean: Types-nuclear, extended, single household, single parent; Unions-visiting relationship, cohabitation or common-law, legal marriage
Roles, relationships and responsibilities of adult and sibling members of the Caribbean family
Factors which contribute to the changing roles and responsibilities of men and women in the Caribbean family: (a) status of women in society, (b) choice of employment, (c) labour-saving technology, (d) leisure activities, (e) educational opportunities
Results of the changing roles and responsibilities of men and women in the Caribbean family: (a) identity crisis, (b) marginalisation of the male, (c) role conflict, (d) development of self-esteem and confidence of women, (e) independence of women
Preparation for parenthood-physical, economic, emotional and psychological readiness
Characteristics of a good parent: Problem solving skills, communication skills, socialising skills, disciplinary skills, knowledge of good nutrition, showing of love warmth, money management skills
Contemporary social issues which influence Caribbean family life: teenage pregnancy, street children, alternative life styles, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, sexually transmitted diseases, child abuse, poverty, desertion, suicide, incest, domestic violence, trafficking in persons, care and concern of the aged and those with special needs