Time during which young people are no longer adolescents but have not yet settled into adult roles, marked by identity exploration and a focus on the self
Diet and nutrition
What people eat and how much they move their bodies affect how they look, how they feel, and how likely they are to get sick and even die
Obesity and overweight
Research on overweight and obesity in emerging adulthood is an important area as people are most likely to become obese at this time
Food insecurity
Associated with poor health, high blood pressure, obstructive airway disease, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders
Physical activity
Strongly related to cognitive functioning, a healthy body is related to a healthy mind
High levels of chronic stress are related to physical and immunological impairments
Sleep deprivation affects physical health, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning
Causes cancer, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as does second-hand smoke
Alcohol use
Health risks include injuries and accidents, such as falls, car accidents, and drowning
Socioeconomic status
Better-educated and more affluent people tend to have healthier lifestyles and better health care
Race and ethnicity
There are still vast disparities in health and health care access as a function of race and ethnicity
Health care access
Young people had the lowest levels of health insurance, as they age out of social service programs and live independently
Relationships and health
Strong social ties can decrease stress levels and promote healthier behaviours
Chronic disease involving dependence on use of alcohol, causing interference with normal functioning and fulfillment of obligations
Drug use and abuse
The most common habit-forming drugs include marijuana, prescription painkillers, cocaine, and heroin
Adolescence and emerging adulthood appear to be sensitive periods for the onset of depressive disorders
Premarital sex is more likely to be considered acceptable in developed than developing countries
Emerging adults tend to have more sexual partners than in older age groups, but they have sex less frequently
People who become sexually active during emerging adulthood rather than adolescence tend to engage in fewer risky behaviors
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Illnesses that are transmitted by having sex
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Disorder producing symptoms of physical discomfort and emotional tension for up to 2 weeks before a menstrual period
Postformal thought
Mature type of thinking that relies on subjective experience and intuition as well as logic and allows room for ambiguity, uncertainty, inconsistency, contradiction, imperfection, and compromise
Formal logical thought is appropriate for some problems, but experience can help understand ambiguous situations more effectively
Relativistic thinking
Immature thinking tends to be black and white, with one right answer and one wrong one
Reflective thinking
Type of logical thinking that becomes more prominent in adulthood, involving continuous, active evaluation of information and beliefs in light of evidence and implications
Stages of reflective thinking
Dualism: Authorities have the answers, ambiguity not tolerated
Multiplicity: Different viewpoints seen as potentially valuable
Contextual relativism: Merits of different solutions considered with understanding that some may be better
Commitment: Using evidence to evaluate solutions, best answer depends on context and values
Emotional intelligence
Ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions - one's own and others' - to achieve goals
Emotional intelligence
Enables harnessing emotions to deal more effectively with the social environment, requires awareness of appropriate behaviour in a given situation
Postconventional morality
Final stage of moral reasoning where people make moral decisions based on universal principles of justice
Three ethics
Ethic of autonomy: Focus on individual rights and justice
Ethic of community: Focus on social connections, duty, and group harmony
Ethic of divinity: Focus on attaining holiness and purity
College education
Courses and degree/certificate programs now widely available through distance learning
Substantive complexity
Degree to which a person's work requires thought and independent judgment
Identity moratorium
Self-conscious crisis that ideally leads to identity achievement
Sexual and gender identity formation
Cognitive and emotional underpinnings of people's understanding and meaning of their sexuality
Normative-stage models
Theoretical approaches that hold adults follow a basic sequence of age-related psychosocial changes
Intimacy vs isolation
Erikson's stage where young adults either form strong bonds or face isolation and self-absorption
Timing-of-events model
Personality development as a response to expected or unexpected life events
Social clock
Cultural norms or expectations for when important life events should occur
Trait models
Focus on mental, emotional, temperamental, and behavioral traits or attributes