Social Feminism: is what we march and what we do
Academic Feminsim (Critique)
Lens: it looks at the way literature or any other cultural products (music, literature, art) create and contribute to or undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women
Marginalization of Women: left out of literary canon
Assumptions: Women have been oppressed throughout history. Patriarchy is the Mechanism that took
Whenever patriarchy exists, women are marginalized. Women are often known in a relationship with men despite their differences
All Western society is deeply rooted in patriarchal ideology (it is pervasive and everywhere) → It is subtle
Sex (male and female) is biological, but culture determines gender
All feminist activities: if you consider yourself as a feminist, all feminist activied engaged in equality
Gender plays a part in all of human experience and production, even when it is subconscious