The part of the computer that consists of the arithmetic/logicunit, the controlunit, and the registerstorageareas
Arithmetic/LogicUnit (ALU)
The part of the CPU that performs mathematicalcalculations and makes logicalcomparisons
Control Unit
The part of the CPU that sequentiallyaccesses program instructions, decodes them, and coordinates the flow of data in and out of the ALU, the registers, the primary storage, and even secondary storage and various output devices
Processing and Memory Devices
The componentsresponsible for processing - the CPU and memory - are housed in the same box orcabinet, called the system unit
Processing Characteristics and Functions
Timetocomplete a machinecycle, clock speed, and others are used to gauge processing speed
Clock Speed
The rate at which the CPU produces electronic pulses, which affects machine cycle time
Physical Characteristics of the CPU
CPUspeedislimitedbyphysicalconstraints such as the distance between digital circuits and the resistance of the medium to electrical current
Memory provides the CPU with a workingstoragearea for program instructions and data, and rapidly provides this information to the CPU
Storage Capacity
Dataisstored in memory as a combination of on or off circuit states, with 8 bits representing a character and forming a byte
Types of Memory
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Read-Only Memory (ROM)
RandomAccessMemory (RAM)
Temporary and volatile memory that loses its contents if the current is turned off or disrupted
Read-OnlyMemory (ROM)
Nonvolatilememory with a fixed combination of circuit states, providing permanent storage for data and instructions that do not change
Combinestwo or moreindependentprocessors into one computer to share the workload and boost processing capacity
Aformofmultiprocessing that speedsprocessing by linking several processors to operate at the same time
Grid Computing
Usingacollectionofcomputers, oftenownedbymanypeopleororganizations, to work in a coordinated manner to solve a common problem
Typical Grid Computing networks consists of 3 machine types:
1. Controlnode/server
2. Provider/gridnode
3. User
IBM launched the World Community Gridproject in 2004 to harness the unused computing power of personal and business computers into a large-scale public computing grid
Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) used the computer power of more than 1 million devices attached to the grid to test drug candidates for new and drug-resistant flu strains, such as H1N1
Stan Watowich, the lead researcher at UTMB, claims that "we expect to identify new influenza drug candidates in less than a month. We can move from computer calculations into laboratory testing more quickly and with a sharper focus"
HARDWARE COMPONENTS - Computer system hardware components devices that performthefunctions of input, processing, datastorage, and output
CentralProcessingUnit (CPU) 3associatedelements:
The registerareas
Hardware Components
Computer StorageUnits
Abbreviation is B and Number of bytes is 1
Provider/Grid node
a computer that contributes its resources to the networkresourcepool.
Refers to the computer that uses the resources on the network to complete the task.
Control node/Server
is a server or a group of servers that administers the entire network and maintains the record for resources in a network pool.