Lesson 1

Cards (16)

  • The human person is a being not in isolation but in communion with others.
  • Values can be positive or negative.
  • Intersubjectivity - can be understood either as a personal relationship between two subjects (not objects).
  • Intersubjectivity
    Martin Buber categorizes the relationship as I - Thou relationship.
  • Transcendence - This transcendence in the I - Thou relationship can be described as EMPATHY.
  • Transcendence
    Through empathy, the self becomes aware and attentive and listens intently (BEING WITH) to what the other feels and is thereby able to project oneself and feel what the other feels.
  • Intersubjectivity
    Simply put, this kind of relationship is not like parasitism wherein only the other species benefit while the other is harmed, it transcends mutualism where bot species benefit from each other.
  • Intersubjectivity
    It is a kind of relationship wherein the subject is aware of the presence and existence of the other subject, not as a means to an end but as a fellow human.
  • Transcendence -BEING WITH follows communion, interaction, and communication with others. BEING WITH follows sensitivity to the needs and desires of the others.
  • Aristotle, Politics
    Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human... Anyone who either cannot lead a common life or is self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.
  • Service Etymology - SERVIR which means “to do duty toward, offer, provide with...”
  • Service Etymology - SERVIRE which means figuratively “be devoted.”
  • Service
    EAC Definition - Strong sense of duty and responsibility of helping others for the school, community, country, and Mother Nature.
  • Service - Therefore, a condition in which an individual surrenders his personal liberty and or his or her course of action or way of life to the will of another person.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobiles, rather than by the quality of our service relationship to humanity.
  • True virtuous service is found only where the one who is to be served has the right to be served and the one who serves does so freely.