
Cards (28)

  • Consumption
    The overall spending on consumer goods by individuals, groups, and even nations in a particular time frame
  • Consumer behavior
    The way the consumers would behave
  • Theory of consumer behavior
    A series of assumptions about how people choose to spend their money
  • Theory of consumer behavior
    The idea that consumers make their choices based on their incomes, the prices of the goods, and their preferences
  • Factors that affect consumer behavior
    • Wealth
    • Income
    • Prices
  • Wealth effect
    Rich people have an abundance of things in their houses
  • Utility
    The total satisfaction received from consuming goods or service
  • Types of utility
    • Ordinal utility
    • Cardinal utility
  • Ordinal utility

    The satisfaction a consumer obtains after consuming various products cannot be measured but can be arranged in order of preference
  • Cardinal utility
    The satisfaction consumer acquires after consuming any good or service can be measured and expressed in quantity
  • Total utility

    Increases with quantity
  • Law of diminishing marginal utility
    The marginal utility of the goods or services decreases as the quantity of the good or services increases ceteris paribus
  • Indifference set/schedule
    A combination of goods for which the consumer is indifferent
  • Indifference curve
    Graphical expression of the indifference set/schedule, showing different combinations of two goods that yield the same utility (level of satisfaction) to the consumer
  • Indifference map
    A set of indifference curves called
  • Market
    Any institution, mechanism, or situation that brings or joins together the buyer and sellers of a particular product
  • Market
    Describes a place or digital space by which goods, services, and ideas are exchanged to satisfy consumer need
  • Types of market
    • Digital market
    • Physical market
  • Digital market
    The marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital media
  • Physical market
    A setup where buyers can physically meet their sellers and purchase the desired merchandise from them in exchange for money
  • Four market structures
    • Perfectly competitive market
    • Monopoly market
    • Oligopoly market
    • Monopolistically competitive market
  • Perfectly competitive market

    • Homogeneous products
    • Large number of buyers and sellers that do not affect price
    • Free entry and exit of goods and services to and from the market
    • Demand and supply work freely
    • Perfect information or knowledge of market participants
  • Monopoly market

    • There is only one seller in the market
    • Firm faces the market demand and has relative demand and has relative freedom over the price it charges
    • It is difficult to enter the monopolistic market (blocked entry)
  • Oligopoly market
    • There is a small number of firms that control the market
    • None of these firms can keep the other(s) from having significant influence over the market
  • Types of oligopoly market
    • Pure oligopoly
    • Differentiated oligopoly
  • Pure oligopoly
    Oligopolistic market situation in which firms sell homogeneous or identical products
  • Differentiated oligopoly
    Market situation in which oligopolistic firms sell differentiated products
  • Monopolistically competitive market
    • Market situation where there are numerous buyers and sellers of a differentiated product
    • Blend of competition and monopoly